Explode! (2)

After he analyzed the situation, he had already discovered Xu Xiaoshou's vulnerable spot.

In his eyes, Xu Xiaoshou was no longer a junior, but a combination of the powers of the four Holy Emperors of the Inner Island.

This was enough for him to take the matter seriously!

Thus, Wangze Holy Emperor, who didn't care about his reputation, used the safest method to fight.

"Wind Escape, Traceless."

He smiled and formed a pinching spell with his fingers. His body immediately dispersed. He actually chose to hide instead of fighting head-on.


This move not only stunned the onlookers, but even Xu Xiaoshou was caught off guard.

The majestic Wangze Holy Emperor actually turned tail and ran?

"Cowardly rat!"

In an instant, Xu Xiaoshou raised his head and laughed maniacally. His aura became even stronger as he mocked him openly.