A Historical Moment! (3)

The spatial crack tore through the void, timely and providential, shielding the embarrassed Xu Xiaoshou.

Xu Xiaoshou's figure flickered.

The next moment, Xu Xiaoshou's voice trembled as he spoke:

"Boss, not cool!"

"At least give me back the fingers and wrist before you leave, so I can return them to the owner!"

"Mmmph." Lei Xier couldn't help but giggle, trying to muffle the sound with her hand.

In that instant, everyone woke up from their "dreams," staring in terror at her.

The second true body, as if granted a pardon, turned to stare at her in surprise, as if looking at a savior.

Even Bazhun'an couldn't help but glance over.

Lei Xier's face froze with a smile, her pretty face turning red, as if blood could drip from her ears.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

She apologized in a trembling voice barely louder than a mosquito.