Hidden Dragon Going Out to Sea Shocks the Ancestor Tree (2)

Apart from the power of the Heavenly Ancestor, his vitality and vigor overflowed. It was as if he had shed his weak shell and transformed into a humanoid ancient divine beast.

No matter how one looked at it, this body did not look like something that the weak human species could cultivate.

Even his essence had been changed!

"To be able to obtain the favor of the Heavenly Ancestor Spirit could only mean that he was somewhat special. Perhaps..."

The Dragon Apricot Spirit was originally dissatisfied with Xu Xiaoshou's rude behavior, but now it was afraid and decided to let bygones be bygones.

So be it!

Anyway, it was not as if it was robbed. He even knew to use dragon blood to do an exchange with it.

This human kid was right. It was indeed worthwhile to invest in him!

What it should consider now was perhaps to strive to become the number one Ancestral Tree in this new world.