The Unparalleled True Beast, One Punch Breaks Through the Void (2)

At this point, Aunt Xiang seemed to heave a sigh of relief after being under so much pressure. She cried out in panic and fear.

"Idiot, save me!"

Hey, who's the idiot?

Kong Yuhen was stunned.

The second true body was also stunned.

Before the two could react, the acupuncture points on the bald virtual image lit up like a star map and glowed with dazzling light.


The bald virtual image broke away from Aunt Xiang!

The virtual image could only follow its owner's actions or strengthen its spiritual technique.

Aunt Xiang's virtual image was just like the summoning spell. It summoned a wild beast that could act on its own.

He charged forward with extreme force and lunged toward Kong Yuhen's chest.

At the same time, the muscles on his right arm bulged, and his millstone-sized fist turned into an afterimage and flew away. A simple and unadorned uppercut smashed into the jade-faced scholar's chin.