I, Xu Gusheng, Am Unruly and Lawless (1)

The situation in the hall suddenly became tense.

The killers who were there earlier with smiles on their faces suddenly had extremely solemn expressions.

"How dare you!" White Wolf shouted fiercely.

However, his eyes quickly scanned the whole surroundings, but he still could not find the person who answered.

Who was it who spoke?

Where was that 'Jin Ren'?

Did he really have the ability and courage to kill the twenty or so killers who had just gathered earlier?

White Wolf retreated to where his brothers stood, as if it was a wall of protection behind him. Before he could calm down, he shouted again.

"This is the headquarters of the Three Incenses!"

"I don't care who you are, but when you're here, you'd better comply with the rules."

"If you dare to kill people here and break the rules, the Three Incenses have plenty of ways to torture you, Xu Gusheng, to death!"