Creating Something Out of Nothing is a Miracle (2)

If this was not an arm twisting move, then what was considered forcible?

"Thirty-two people..." Director Zhou said resentfully.

"Amazing! That is really a lot. It exceeded my expectations." Xu Xiaoshou was secretly speechless. He did not reveal what was on his mind and his face remained calm.

"Thirty-two people. How many gold hunting token killers are each of you responsible for?" This was the information received from the Soul Reading.

+(Cursed. Passive Points+)+1."

"I won't hide it from Director Zhou. I know Elder Xie. He recommended that I look for you."

"Elder Xie?"

Director Zhou was moved.

This was one of the killers he was responsible for. It was a one-way contact, and outsiders could not have any knowledge of this.

"Where is Elder Xie now? I haven't seen him for a long time..."

"He's dead."

The sickly young master sneered and Director Zhou's voice froze.

He had already guessed this outcome.