The Holy Emperor Approaches the Four Symbols Realm (1)

Aunt Xiang jolted awake and, in the same motion, her hands were already forming a seal.

Who was this person?

When did they enter, how long had they been here, and what were they after?

How did I not notice anything...

With a burst of spiritual senses, the spiritual array in the room showed no sign of being breached or even touched by an external force.

However, as her spiritual senses swept through, Aunt Xiang discovered something.

Apart from what her naked eyes could see, she had almost overlooked the presence of this person.

What level of breath suppression technique was this?

Aunt Xiang was shocked, but she did not complete the seal to summon her life-saving beast. Instead, she calmly said:

"Oh, my dear Young Master Xu, can't you make a sound when entering the room?"

"Breaking into a lady's chamber like this is really, very, impolite!"