Rumors Shatter Hearts First (2)

Saint Servant, in need of support from all directions, stirred the waters thoroughly, much like the battle in Sky City in the Eastern Region.


It was not a matter of concern.

They stood in stark contrast to the Holy Divine Palace, which not only dominated the world but refused to share even a sip of soup, let alone any meat.

In the battle in the Sky City in the Eastern Region, Saint Servant indeed utilized numerous factions and individuals, filling the battle with blood to achieve their perfect victory.

But among those who persisted until the end in the Sky City, who didn't gain something significant?

Some gains were substantial!

Even in the aftermath of the battle, Saint Servant clearly had the ability to seal off the passage to the outside world, dividing all gains among themselves.

But Bazhun'an, the first-in-command saint servant, didn't do that.

His integrity had been trusted by everyone for decades.