Emperor Sword Suppresses Black Water (3)

She had been humiliated by Xu Xiaoshou on the high cliff. Now that the old and new hatred had erupted, how could she let him go?

"Requesting backup!"

After the message was sent in the Heavenly Group's channel, the coffin-like sword case opened without waiting for a reply.


An astonishing Sword Will erupted and a dazzling golden light bloomed from the sword case.

Beibei's chubby cheeks quivered when the sword energy swept past her. Her white clothes were dyed golden, and even the stains on her clothes that had been soaked in the water, turned pale yellow. At this moment, it looked very regal.

In an instant, her temperament completely changed. She was like a queen that wore an intangible crown. Her eyes were no longer lively and cute, but had a ruthless and indifferent look.

"Supreme Emperor Sword!"

With a clang, the sound of sword cries rang out.

Black fog rolled up between the cliffs and crept onto the ground.