The Light in the Water Is a Bubble (2)

No one below the demi-saint level from the Holy Divine Palace had ever dared to speak to the Holy Emperor in this manner.

Even if there was, the words of justice were not wrong. Why did she have such fluctuating thoughts and mental struggles?

"It seems like you know what you're doing."

"But you are struggling. Why are you struggling?"

"Struggling for justice is obviously wrong... You, struggle for the sake of humans."

Bei Huai's telepathic communication through his soul body was extremely calm, but it progressed layer by layer.

As if he could read people's minds, he skipped all the processes and pointed at Greedy the White Cat Spirit.

"You know what this is?"

"You were involved with the Xu Yue Grey Palace?"

"You, Dao Xuanji, Yu Kunpeng... One of the three had crossed an insurmountable forbidden line?"

Yu Zhiwen was stunned.