Ripping the Saint Emperor at the Gate of Hell (2)

Ai Cangsheng had observed The Divine for so many years, and the hatred between the two was even greater than Heaven!

He didn't know if it was because he had observed the wrong person or because he was distracted, but the Arrow of Evil Sin Bow still hadn't arrived even after The Divine had left the Cross Corner Street for so long.

However, with this reminder, Ai Cangsheng had no choice but to shoot an arrow even if he wanted to ignore it.

One Aura...

Two Auras...

Three Auras...

After he waited till the fifth or sixth Aura.

Ai Cangsheng not only felt as if his eyes had been dug out, but he also felt like he had fallen asleep. He actually turned a deaf ear to Bei Huai's voice!

"Even the Ai dog dared to speak?"

"If he dares to come, I'll kill him as well!"

Before Bei Huai could too think much about it, a loud bang sounded in front of him. The cold and heavy At the Gates of Hell descended from the sky again.