The New Life Force Screams in the Emperor Realm (2)

"For Ah Ya's third reincarnation, I specially used a drop of the Jinling Dragon's reverse scale blood, three grains of the Three World Breaking fruit powder, and used the spring of longevity to water her for eighty-one days... I took good care of her in the midst of all this. I took care not to let her suffer any calamities and ensured she was not defiled by the Bei Huai clan...The materials used were all Saint Stage spiritual objects, but after she was born, she only had a first-grade aura. Perhaps my expectations were too high. I should reflect on this."

The white-robed and barefooted Bei Huai wrote with great concentration.

The last paragraph was three pages long and detailed the process of Ah Ya's third reincarnation.

When he was about to stop writing, a scream suddenly came from beside him.

"What? How could you eat her? She's so pitiful."