Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I was busy with my shadow clones. So even when a shadow clone made vegetables for me on lunch I didn't even gave a second thought on it. Right now I have to eat healthy foods. I don't want to stay short.

Besides that my shadow clones were able to buy healthy foods, new clothes and ninja equipments on normal price. I have no interest in stealing their money and had a lot of money. It is lot because it was almost the amount of my two years pocket money. I was not able to use it because most of the shop will not let me buy from them.

For now I only brought the basic necessities. Also I have brought beginners weight for body training. I was also happy to see that I was able to buy things without any troubles.

When it was afternoon I packed my things in a storage scroll and hide it in my hidden place. The storage scroll was given to me by Teuchi when he saw someone entered my apartment and destroyed most of the things. And the Hokage came next day brought me to Ichiraku Ramen and then left because he had important duty. So important that he didn't had the time to stay with his so called grandson.

I wore my T shirt and black pants which I brought today. When I left I saw a lot of people didn't noticed me or looked at me with hostility or disgust. So I thought I should also get a mask like Kakashi so I will be able to hide my whiskers easily. I didn't care to think the fact that to live I have to hide my identity because I was already useing shadow clones with transformation to buy my necessary things.

So with some thoughts in mind I arrived at Iruka sensei's house. I didn't had to knock before he opened the door.

" I was waiting for you Naruto." He said with a small smile in his face. " I will first correct your basic fighting knowledge." He paused for a moment and looked at what I was wearing. Then with a smile," It seems you really want to improve! Good! I will help you with my all."

I was happy to see that changing my orange jumpsuit made him happy. He asked me few questions about how much I read and if there's something I didn't understand. With some help for him I reviewed all my work.

When I was doing my taijutsu he had a painful and sad expression on his face which became determined in next moment. And he started to teach me to do the basic again and again. Even though it was hard because I learned and practiced the wrong technique for years I tried hard as sensei said. And in no time I was a lot comfortable on fighting like how he is teaching me.

He didn't teach me any taijutsu style he just corrected me to punch, kick in the right way. So even though my body was trying to go back to previous way with my determination and sensei's patience I was able to correctly do all without any problem just before the dinner time.

Clap clap clap, " Good job Naruto. You have done it! Now that this is complete I will teach you the basic taijutsu tomorrow morning after your body training. Now come inside and let's eat." He said with a proud smile. With that I went inside to have dinner with him.

Even if I didn't wanted to admit it his cooking was much better than me. So after a thought I asked him to also teach me how to cook. He said that he will be happy to help me. The dinner was great and I enjoyed it. It was then I understood that eating with a family is much better than eating alone. Thinking about that I made up my mind and happily ate my food with him.

After dinner he wanted me to stay the night but I declined saying I will be early in the morning.

When I reached my house I entered and saw my shadow clones were still busy reading the books sensei gave me. I dispelled shadow clones one after another. There was no problems or headaches. Also I found a good news and that is if I put my mind on trying to remember something it will be like photographic memory and I will be easily able to remember it.

And to see that I can remember them all after taking a bath I started to meditate. I wanted myself to be more calm and in control of myself. It is really hard with all the energy inside me. I already found it hard to stay in one place but for some reason today I was doing much better than other days. I was also able to concentrate on reading which was almost impossible for me before.

Just then next moment I was in front of the seal. I widened my eyes in surprise seeing this. I was looking at Kurama with curiosity.

" Did you also saw that?" He asked me looking straight in my eyes. It was not so loud as I thought but it was a huge surprise to me.

" Did you also saw that? Kurama." I said with surprise. He just closed his eyes. Only after few moments he opened them.

" I am going to say all the thoughts in my mind right now. Firstly, those were our future self and I definitely didn't liked it so I will help you but I am not going to make you dependent on me. Secondly, thinking about who did this is just a waste of time. So, I am helping you." He said showing his teeth. " Rip one forth of the seal." And without giving it a second thought I ripped one forth of the seal.

Seeing me do something like that made Kurama happy. Well it's like I can feel it. " So what now?" I asked. " I will not try to break free. So your Uzumaki part which was suppressed will be awaken. I will sent little amount of my chakra and with that you will be able to go on your best state." Thinking about what he said I asked, " Do you mean that because of the seal my Uzumaki part was mostly busy on maintaining it." Seeing him nod I continued. " And so now without the seal I will able to use my talents much easily." I finished it with a grin matching him.

" Also you will be able to awaked the sense of Minato and adamantine chains of your mother... Though you don't have Namikaze bloodline." " It's good enough." " Also because I will not make problems your mental and physical capabilities will increase very fast. So you should be happy that you have me to save your ass." With that he went back to tsundere mode.

Seeing that I just smiled. When I was about to go back. " Also don't forget to perfect your chakra control. Now that I am not interfering it is possible. And take a sword your future self was too dumb. Lastly check how good you are in Fuinjutsu." He said.

" Ok, bye." " What are your thoughts on the fact that we are just a story for entertainment." Hearing that I didn't replied. " Even if you don't want to accept it that memory affected you the most. You were able to see everything in someone else's perspective. And that's why you were angry with everyone." He said like a statement. " Even if I don't want to admit it. You are right. Because I don't want to accept that I will become such a loser in the future." I said with a sigh.

" Then it's good." Hearing that I was surprised. " It is good because you will finally be what you want and not a brainwashed suicidal idiot." It was like arrows piercing my heart. " I will help your body reach the perfect state in a week. But in this week you will have to eat a lot. And lastly try learning those two breathing style after a month. You will be able to see changes from tomorrow after waking up. So good night." That is the last thing I heard before he kicked me out and I fell asleep.

[ Okay hope you like it. I am giving him Godly Fuinjutsu talent and two breathing style. The beast and wind style for fun of course. One will help him be a lot stronger and another because it has his wind affinity. Just think how much stronger he will become with chakra and wind nature with it. Don't forget about his vitality and stamina too. ]