
Coming back to the first-day riddle, most of the students have returned to the classroom empty-handed and disappointed. While Ryo enjoys his deep slumber, The girl continued staring at her intently with that cautious glare of hers. All that while, the teacher suddenly entered the classroom. All the students settled down and focused their attention on Asahi.

"About 4 hours have passed, anyone knows the answer?"

Sounding as confident, if not cocky, He flashes the whole class an overly-confident grin. He thinks that none are too keen observant to figure out his riddle, well, at least that's what he thinks.

"Hmm? None found the answer? I see. Well then, let me tell you-"

Just as he was about to continue, One of the students suddenly stood up. It was Ryo, who had woken up from his deep slumber. He tilted his neck to the side and cracked it, before looking forward.

"You know the answer, Kyosuke?"

"Just a guess but, is the answer, yes and no?"

"Why is that?"

Asahi's grin disappeared like a fragile bubble and was replaced by a serious face. He sat leaned on the table and crossed his arms as he looked at Ryo.

"Well, that is a trick question, right? Well, just think back to what he said."

"What he said?" " Is there a secret meaning" "What does he mean by that?"

The whole class simultaneously mumbled to each other like a bee producing an irritating buzz sound.

"I see. Well, let's head to another topic"

He turned around and faced the blackboard.

Then, one of the students raised their hand and asked,

"Sensei, aren't you gonna tell us the answer?"

After a short moment of silence, he turned his head around and said,

"He already said it."

Before turning back and proceeding to write on the keyboard. Ryo also sat down as the whole classroom followed him with their amused gaze. Albeit, not all are impressed easily, 2 students from one side of the classroom maintained their composure, since they are also geniuses, they looked at Ryo with interest.

"He's also probably a genius, don't you think?"

One of them whispered under their breath.

"Maybe. It's just better to wait for the early annual test."

"You're right. Hehe."

"Now, coming back to our topic, Today we'll start our lesson, shall we? Let's talk about... Magic"

And so, their classes started. After hours of sitting in the classroom and listening to whatever each respective teacher is saying, the sun has almost set and it's time for their dismissal.

Ryo walked out of the classroom, yawning and his hands in his pockets. He looked up in the sky and realized that it was almost late, he hurried up and made his way to the boy's dorm.

The dorm building was huge and modern. He walked up the stairs as his room was upstairs and grabbed the keys from his pocket. He twists the key and the tapping sound of the door opening sounds, he pushes the door open and is surprised at what's inside. Inside was a very wide room, with everything needed in a dormitory, white walls with technologies such as computers and laptops on the desk on the side of the room. To put it simply, everything is very modernized.

He walked inside, placed his bag on the table and sat on the desk chair. He grabbed his phone and checked his notifications. 0 Notifications. Well, this is the normal life for him, so this isn't anything new to him. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"I wanna go home,"

He said. With nothing much to do, he completely dozed off in his chair...



But after what seemed like 5 minutes, He was shot awake by the ringing of his phone. He flipped his phone and looked to see who it was. It was her mother. He immediately answered it as soon as he saw her mother's name.

"What's up"

"Are you doing well at school?"

"It's been just a few days since I've entered, and it's still just the first day of school,"

"I know! I just want to know if you have any problems there if you have, just call me!"

"Yeah, Yeah,"

"Also, are you making some friends there?"

He stood silent as he heard her mother. He doesn't want to lie but at the same time, he doesn't want to worry her mother.


He said in a nervous voice. Fortunately for him, her mother doesn't notice.

"Is that so? That's great! Well then, see you soon!"

She hung up on him. He threw the phone away and sighed. He stood up and looked at the clock. What seemed like 5 minutes was 5 hours. His eyes widened as he stared dumbfounded at the clock. He slept for 5 hours. It was nighttime at exactly 10 pm

Just then, his stomach growled and he felt hungry. He figured he'd get some food at the nearby convenience store near the dormitory just outside the school.

He changed into his shirt and put on a jacket, grabbed his wallet along the way and got out. Walking into the quiet hallways, he got out of the dormitory and made his way to the convenience store. He grabbed several cup noodles and some biscuits and brought them to the counter. He walked out of the store while munching on his biscuits. As he was slowly approaching his dorm, he heard what seemed like a slight shriek of someone coming from the alley.

Part 4: Activation.

He slightly peeked. Although the alley was filled with darkness, he was able to make out several figures in a circle, like a small crowd. As he looked closer, he noticed that the figures had huge body and height, and looking a bit closer, he realized what they were doing. In the middle was someone with long hair, he assumed it was a girl.

"They must be ganging up on that girl,"

He thought to himself. As if his body moved on his own, he walked towards them.

"Stop please!"

"Stop? Are you sure?"

One of the gangsters said in a lecherous voice. He put his hands on the girl's defenceless body, She shrieked and was in tears. Ryo put his food down on the side and walked towards them.

"Uhmm...Can I ask you a question?"

Their laughing stopped and they all turned around.

"What do you want brat?"

One of them said, followed by another one who grabbed Ryo by his hair and raised his head, and yet his expression didn't change. It's like he doesn't feel the pain. All attention shifted towards him. They let go of the girl and walked up to him. Ryo looked at her and gave her the look. The terrified girl nodded and ran off.

"Hey! Our prey is running!"

"Hehe, don't worry about her, we have a much nicer prey here."

One of them then got behind him and took out a rope. Looks like they plan to tie him up. Ryo sneakily looked around for any openings to get out of there, and he found one.

As they were about to tie him up, Ryo knocked the one behind him by hitting him using his head. Setting himself free, and with nothing holding him back, he entered a fighting stance. One of them threw a punch at him, and he docked down and countered by striking him on the stomach, Then throwing that guy and colliding him with the others, setting them off balance.

"Seem like there is no other choice!"

One of them said, after chanting a series of words under his breath, a sword appeared behind him. He furiously held the weapon against Ryo and filled it with magic as he charged towards him.

Leaving him no choice, Ryo decided to use his magic amplitude.

He summons his sword, floating on his side. He grabbed it and entered a fighting stance.


Ryo chanted, His sword was instantly engulfed in bright yellow flames,

"You think you can scare me with that?!

He continued charging towards him recklessly.

Ryo gets into a fighting stance, holding his sword on his side and his feet apart from each other. Holding his sword tightly, he charged towards the gangster. He swung his blazing sword in one motion with full force, the slash leaving bright particles.

This strong force sent him flying towards his friends, head first. He made his sword disappear and picked up his food before taking a brief look around to see if the girl was in sight. Nothing. Assuming that she escaped safely, he walked away and back to his dorm as if nothing happened.

The next day.

It's another day of class, the second day. I entered the class quite early than I would have preferred and sat at my seat. Remembering yesterday's event, I'm quite worried about those people, to say the least, I hope they receive the punishment they deserve. And, I noticed that I'm quite rusty in using my amplitude now, Well, I think that's already expected for now not using my amplitude for the past 5 years.

Anyway, I take a look around the classroom. It's already 8 am and yet the teacher is still not present. Looks like I have additional sleeping time.

But then, the door suddenly barged open like yesterday, and the teacher, Asashi came rushing in with a serious face. Looks like something happened, is it about yesterday? Either way, I straightened up my seat and faced the front.

He slammed his hands on his table and looked at each of us.

"Just received the news, I know it's your second day and all but, I just received a letter from the student council.'

After a short moment of silence, he once again opened his mouth to speak.

"The Early Annual Test will be held next week!"

He exclaimed.

Just then, Ayane-san raised her hand,

"Sensei, what's an Early Annual Test?"

She asked,

"Early Annual Test is the first test to be taken here. It's usually taken after a month of learning but for some reason, the student council decided to launch it 3 weeks earlier than the expected time. That test consists of a challenge to be done. The one who fails will leave this academy while those who pass will continue their magic dream. Last year's test for the freshman was survival, and so for this year, the theme will also be survival. Of course, each year level is having a different test from one another and that being said, you all will only be competing with first-years! The rules of this test are simple: Based on the research of one of the honourable student council members, there are about ten thousand students in the first-year grade alone, and so, you all will be given a badge which will be attached to your chest. If anything happens to that badge, you will fail. Now coming to the question, who will destroy this badge? The council decided this to be like a hide-and-seek game, with a single representative from the student council to be the one hunting you. Of course, self-defense is allowed you can do anything to protect to badge, whether you want to plant some traps or increase your magic skill, It's up to you. The given time is 10 hours. All those who still have their badge intact will be considered as "passed", and vice versa. Lastly, It's up to you if you want to group up or go on solo. Any questions?"


"Seems like there are no more questions. For now, let's continue into the lesson.

Annual test huh? This will be a drag,


Quite exhausted from filling my brain with knowledge, I was about to lay my head on my desk when someone tapped me from behind. I turned around and looked up to see one of my classmates, specifically a blonde and friendly student, waving his hands along with a smile.

"You're Kyosuke-san, right?"

He asked in a friendly way.

"Yes, I am. What do you need?"

"I'm Sora Haruto. We are planning to make a small group for the upcoming annual test, and we are glad to have you. What do you say?"

This test will most probably be filled with heartless and selfish students, who only care for their victory, and maybe joining this group will increase my chances of passing. It's a little unlike me to join something like this, But I'll do everything just to pass.


"Great! We're glad to have you!"

He extends a handout, offering a handshake. Although reluctant, I returned his favour.