Ayumi Fukuda

Ryo arrived at the scene. There, Ryujin was crouching, questioning the girl who's covered in a blanket and leaning on a tree, with sweat all over her face, as if she has been running in a marathon.

The girl has a fair complexion with long pink truffled hair hanging behind her back and her bangs hanging to the side, along with pale green eyes.

He walked over to Kyouko and asked,

"So that's her?"

"Indeed. The woman who wounded you."

Ryo looked at her intensely, he noticed some bruises on the left side of her cheeks. Her eyes are also filled with sadness and fear as if she was traumatized by something.

"What are you doing here, little miss?" Ryujin asked, sounding as reassuring as possible.

The girl only stared at them in response. She's like a newly awoken baby, somehow not having awareness around her surroundings.

She looks around...then, she realized what situation she is in. She was startled so badly that she shrieked and began moving around. She immediately stood up and attempted to run towards the opposite direction but...

Before she could run away, Ryujin grabbed her by the wrist and calmed her down

"Don't run away, little miss, what happened?"

Now the situation is getting more and more worrisome. She looks around confused as she gradually sat again.

"What's your name?... I'm Kajiyashaki Ryujin.."

"A-Ayumi...A-Ayumi Fukuda."

She said in a terrified voice.

"Ayumi-chan...Nice name. Now, can you tell what happened? where did these bruises come from?"

She slightly opened her mouth to speak... She uttered a word but it was too light for them to hear.



"Hanzo Jin..." She said a little louder this time.

"Hanzo..." Ryujin began cracking his head as to who this Jin is. Trying to remember who this Jin is and what year is he from.

"Hanzo Jin. A 3rd-Year student in classroom 3-D. What's with him?" Kyouko questioned.

"H-Help me..." She answered as her eyes narrowed down.

"Bruises... probably bullied by whomever this Jin guy is... What will you do, councilman?" Kyouko asked.

"Kyouko-chan, contact your senpai,"


"Your third-year Senpai, Stella Tatsunori. She knows almost everything about the third year. She's the most reliable person right now." He flashes her an affiliative smile before he turned back to Ayumi.

"Don't worry Ayumi-chan, you won't be bullied anymore." He comforted her by weirdly ever-so-gently patting her in the head. By the looks of it, her cheeks slightly turned pink and a ray of modest happiness began glimmering in her eyes.

"You really know your way around girls. What a pervert you are." She shoots him a glare of repugnance before she sighed and said her farewell.

"Well then, We will get going now."

"Wait... "we?" "

"Yes. Do you have any complaints?"

"None... Yes, none."

"Good, let's go."

They turned away and began walking, headed towards where that Stella-senpai of Kyouko is. They went inside a special door behind the building, leading to the council member's rooms. A building with white walls and blue lighting, hallways filled with doors of different colors, they walk in that hallway as they talked.

"So this is the council's place," Ryo said,

"Yes. there are many rooms there, at least 50 rooms are here."

"Why the hell does the council need 50 rooms?"

"I don't know, but one of us apparently has seven rooms in total. The third, she's a scientist, and as you might have guessed, that rooms are all laboratory."

"That's... Insane."

"I know. Anyway, we've arrived."

After chatting about the place they are in, they arrived at the door near the dead end of the hallway, the second to the last door. In that door, there is a notice written on the screen attached to the door.

"In the middle of work. Do not disturb unless necessary.",

"Are you sure you want to disturb them, Kyouko?"

"What we are here for is important, don't be a baby, let's go."

She gently knocked on the iron white door three times. At first, there was a moment of silence, as if no one was home. That's until they heard a loud thud inside, it is as if something fell on the floor. A few seconds after that, the door slightly opened. It was a sliding door, a set of red-nailed fingers grabbed the slightly opened door and slid it opened, revealing a person. A girl greeted them.

A girl, whose height is a little smaller than Ryo, with a fair complexion and developed body with dazzling light-blue eyes, with long green hair which is waist-length, her bangs covering her forehead and slightly curved inward, and her forelocks are shoulder length.

She wore her 3rd-year uniform while wearing a dark-blue jacket that lengths up to the back of her knees with black thigh highs.

She greeted them with a smile before asking,

"Kyouko-chan!... and... Who might you be sir?" The cheerful, yet calm tone in her voice gradually turned into an awkward voice as she shifted her gaze at Ryo.

"I'm Ryo Kyosuke,"

"R-Ryo...Kyosuke...? I haven't heard that name, are you a new student??"

"Yes... I am."

"I see, I see... Anyway, what do you cuties need with me?" Kyouko stepped upfront and showed Stella her phone.

She carefully and seriously looked at the phone's screen and nodded in between as Kyouko explained to her the situation.

"I see. I have it inside my room, come on in." She steps to the side and extends her right arm towards inside her room, inviting them to come in.

They both nervously got inside. Even though Kyouko's closest friend in the council is Stella, she hasn't been into her room yet, that's why she's quite nervous.

Inside was very similar to a computer lab, with no lights except the dim light from the computers, with many devices on every corner of the room and shining screens attached on the wall.

Kyouko was extremely amused and dazzling seeing the illuminated lights all around, whilst Ryo only maintained his passionless face, having no feeling of either amusement or interest whatsoever.

"Make yourself at home, there's a chair there behind you." They looked behind and saw 3 computer chair, also called a task chair. Kyouko gradually and nervously sat whilst on the contrary, Ryo sat like it was his home.

Stella proceeds to grab the stuff they need in her closet near one of her computers. After rummaging through in between the paperwork and books, she found a book with the title, "3rd-year's"

She closed the closet door and walked up to them with the book in hand.

"Here." She gave it to Kyouko with such gleeful eyes. Kyouko carefully took the book in Stella's hand and began slowly flipping the pages. They all leaned in towards the book.

Flipping the pages over and over again, they eventually reached Jin's page.

"There it is!" Stella exclaimed.

Kyouko began to thoroughly read his record.

"Jin Hanzo...178 cm tall... 18 years old... Classroom, 3-D, Birthdate... records of poor behavior - 18... So he really was a bully."

"Looks like the record of his poor behavior is gonna turn 19 considering he is the top suspect for Ayumi-chan's case," Stella said,

"I see. Thank you very much." Kyouko said as she closed the book and stood up.

"Leaving already, Kyouko-chan?"

"I'm sorry senpai, but this is urgent."

"Don't worry about it, come visit me in my personal room when you're free!"

"Will do... thank you very much!"

They politely said their goodbyes and left her room. As they were walking, Ryo asked a question.

"That senpai... what's her amplitude?"

"Nature. She ascends in using healing and supporting spells. Just so you know, last year at the district magic competition, if it wasn't for her tremendous strength in supporting her teammates, they would have lost."

"I see."

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason in particular,"

After that chit-chats, they arrived back at the place. They were utterly surprised when they arrived. Ryujin was lying on his back, using Ayumi's thighs as a pillow whilst she slowly rubbed his hair underneath the tree, and by the pleasant smile on Ayumi's face, it seems like she's fine now.

"What in the world are you doing... Ryujin?" Kyouko said in a disappointed and angry voice.

Ryujin peeked through his half-opened eyes and he immediately stood up when he saw Kyouko's murderous expression.

"I-I was just taking a break you know...!"

"Whatever. You aren't Ryujin if you aren't a pervert. Anyway, Ayumi-san, are you feeling okay now?"

"Oh, I am fine now. I apologize earlier because I wasn't thinking straight and was having some hallucinations." She said in her tranquil and soothing light voice and flashed a gentle smile.

"Well, I guess things are fine. Ryujin, we found some intel."

"I see, well, let's hear it."
