Odd Encounter.

"I, the 2nd member, or the vice-president of the council, congratulate you all for your victory. Whether you got lucky or just got through the trials using your proficient talents, I congratulate you all. For those who weren't lucky enough, the items in your room will be sent to you and it will be a goodbye from now on. This test is indeed hard, one reason is that this is the real entrance exam. The first exam all of you took wasn't the real test, that seemed easy right? Anyway. All of your uniforms will be changed into the official uniform of this school. The one you all are wearing right now is what we call an entrance uniform, which was given to those who passed the "entrance exam". Now, all of those who passed will return to their respective classroom rooms, which you all will be treated to a special surprise prepared by the council. While the ones who failed will be brought back to the academy. That's all, you all may now leave!"

A mature girl's voice spoke throughout. Finally, it ended. Using the "Art of Fire" that my father told me was truly exhausting. Using almost all of my energy, just to execute that skillful technique, I regret doing that.

And, as I've noticed, as I was about to slam my weapon before the test ended, Ryujin oddly... smiled. For whatever reason, like he saw something. I looked over to him, and he was still smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked as I put my sword back.

"You resemble someone who changed my life, that Art of fire of yours, where did you learn it?" He asked as he shrugged off his shoulders.

"I have no reason to tell you... Do I?" I coldly replied. Bringing the topic of my Father brings me uncanny anger inside me, causing me to remember that person... The person I despised so much in my whole life...

"Such cold replies, you're no different from Kyouko." He sighed,

"Why can't anyone just be friendly with me?" He puts up a devastated look on his face as he lowered his head.

"Enough with that... I should get going..." That's right. I need to rest. I've won, but it doesn't feel like it. Like, I only won because he held back. He destroyed his own momentum. like he wanted me to win. From wanting me out of here to wanting me to win, what is he thinking? I pondered to myself as I walk past him and into the outskirts of the forest.


As I was walking with my mind in my deep thoughts, I was brought back to reality when a nervous yet sweet voice spoke out to me.

I looked in front to see a girl. A girl with fair complexion and has a Russet hair color with her bangs swept downwards to the right, which slightly obscures her round glasses and brown eyes, along with her left forelock truffled and the rest of her hair hanging on her back up to her waist with the tips swirled around in a spiral.

She wore a white version of our current uniform. A white uniform with a white coat on top and the traditional Kohinshitsu's triangular necktie and a knee-length skirt.

"Who might you be?" I asked,

She fidgets as she stared at the ground, similar to Keina's expressions when she first met me.

"Y-You're... Kyosuke... Ryo-kun... right?" She said nervously.

"Indeed. What could your business with me be?"

"C-Can I look at your hand...?"

I was utterly surprised at her response, I mean, who would say that to a person you haven't met before.

"Look at it? Why?

"F-For research purposes..." She replied.


"I-I'm just interested in your amplitude... Power Level over 1290... Amplitude level refined to the maximum... and that Art of Fire you just did... I never saw something like that before...."

"Amplitude Level? Power Level? Do such things even exist?"

"O-Oh sorry... It's the terms I use when I analyze a certain amplitude..."

But... why would this girl, who didn't even introduce herself want to analyze my amplitude?

"I see... I see..." She murmured.

"Uhm... I should get going..." I said, trying to get out of the situation. But she doesn't seem to hear it...

"I see... All done... thank you for your time, Mr. Kyosuke Ryo-kun!" She bowed down and ran past me.

"What a weird encounter," I mumbled as I continued walking.

After a minute or so of walking, I arrived outside the forest. There, seemingly waiting for me was the others. I want to be alone once more... I don't want interactions anymore... This group is stupid, it almost did nothing in the test. Why did I even join them?

But... oddly... despite these thinkings, I feel like... I wanna stay and have friends, they're like angels and devils arguing inside my head on what I would do...

But as my Father would always say, "follow thy heart." But, I don't even know what my heart wants. Just then, Arata waved his arm in my direction.

"Ryo!! We did it!!" He shouted as he smiled...

Friends...huh? Well... I guess I should listen to my devil first.


Ryo walked up to them and rejoined the group. While all are happy, inside the forest, stands Ryujin, and beside him, is the girl that Ryo met earlier.

"It's you... What is it?" He said with a gentle smile on his face, the usual face he makes when talking to girls.

"Ryo Kyosuke... His Art of Fire... Have you seen it before...?"

"I saw it once from my childhood, Why do you ask? Is that related to your researches?

"It is... His fire amplitude... is something I've never seen before... Its power can rival the presidents'... Although they are two entirely different types of fire amplitude..."

"I see, I see."

"Kajiyashaki-san, why did you stop earlier...? You could have eliminated Kyosuke-Kun..."

"I don't know, maybe because of the way he executed his art, it was magnificent, I was flabbergasted."

"That's... unlike you, Kajiyashaki-san..."

"You're right..."

Deep in his heart, he really did know that technique, and now, he's getting doubts...

"For now... Rest... Kajiyashaki-san... I will return to my lab..."

"I see. Farewell... Sara-chan."