The last day

Finally, the last day arrived. To Ryo, yesterday was overwhelming, to say the least. Meeting the survivors of the exam... then the two prodigies, then the encounter with Satou... Aside from that, there's nothing much that happened onwards. He just waited for Satou to finish his shower to take his and went upstairs again to doze off.

Now, it's 8 am in morning. He was woken up by the arrival of their new uniforms, In which Hina eagerly woke him up. Arriving downstairs, there was staff from the Kohinshitsu high that brought a huge box. Inside was their uniform, a white version, just like what the russet girl was wearing.

He gave it out to each of them and to his surprise, their names are actually stitched at the left chest side of the coat.

He also told them that if they ever need a substitute, they will be given two for free, but on the third time, they have to pay for it. He also gave them a new uniform for tournaments and future tests.

It was a white shirt with the school logo embedded on the side and pajama-like pants, which also our names on it on the top left side.

"So this is this school's uniform..." He mumbled to himself.

"I was expecting a much catchy one, but I guess I expected too much."

After that short while, He immediately heads upstairs with the purpose of once again... sleeping. With basically nothing much to do here, He wants to at least replenish his energy from yesterday. He still felt tired after all that sleeping from yesterday after all.

With that in mind, He made his way up the stairs, carrying his clothes with him. But, mid-way from the top of the stairs, He felt someone thug his sleeves. He turned to look around to see Kyouko, looking at him as if she wants something from me.

"What do you want?" I asked as I slightly turned my body around.

"Ryujin told me to bring you to him..."

"Why? Are there any urgencies that involve me?"

"Don't ask me, I only did what I was asked." She said in an annoyed voice as if she had been forced to do it. Ryo dragged his body down and made his way outside.

As he got out of the room and closed the door, he saw Ryujin waiting for him at the corner, with his back leaning on the wall and expression suggesting that he is in deep thought, Although that is until he heard the sound of the door opening.

He turned to his side, and with a greeting smile, He said,

"Sorry to bother you, are you busy?"

"I had nothing to do, what is it that you want?" Ryo said as he fully closed the door.

"I know this is something perhaps trivial or sensitive topic rather... But... Are you the son of Jin Kyosuke?"

Ryo was shocked to hear his father's name. It is indeed a sensitive topic for him, bringing this topic up brings him anger from the past and sorrowful memories from the past. The image that he wants to forget pops up in his mind, clear and fresh.

Blood filled his hands as he carried a person on the verge of death, he once again heard the distinct voice of his enemies, taunting him.

He clenched his fist so hard it almost started bleeding,

"Sensitive, I see... Jin Kyosuke, the known strongest magician in his era here in Kohinshitsu High, who also helped me back in the slums..." He said in a rather miserably look.

Ryo noticed this and slightly calmed down, he released the force from his fist and sighed.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" He asked once again,

After thinking for a bit, A gleeful smile replaced his previous miserable expression.

"Nothing, Let's go! I want to treat you something for going up against me!!" He said happily as he patted him on the back.

"Is that all you have to say?" Ryo replied, showing doubts.

"That is all, that is all, now, let us go!!" He eagerly said as she forcefully pushed Ryo. Although he wants to ask more about Jin Kyosuke, It was a very sensitive topic for Ryo, so he just decided to drop it off.

"Now, Now, I just wanted to congratulate you, let me treat you to something if you would," Ryujin said, trying to make a conversation while they walk.

"There's no need for things like that. I would appreciate it if you would let me go back to our room."

"Don't be like that now! Let's go!"

"Bring Kyouko with you, not me..."

"No need to be shy! I have tons of money!"

"I'm not shy... I'm concerned for my well-being. I still need to rest, "

"Is that so? It doesn't matter!"

In the end, Ryujin ended up dragging him away and bringing him to a restaurant., to which he asked him a lot of questions like "How strong is your magic at full potential?" Any more things, which Ryo ended up ignoring and just enjoyed his coffee.

After a few hours have passed, Ryo got home and as he arrived, all the students there already had their bags packed while Airi and Arata were already on the 1-A bus.

Kyouko told him that the passers were announced earlier while he was gone, and their respective section.

"And, you've been chosen to the highest class for the school-year, A-1 along with Haruto, Airi, Hina, Me, Arata, Eri, Satou, Shitaki, Momo, Yuuta, Shino, Yoshino, and other 8 students, which totals us to 21 students in total. Congrats." Kyouko said before right past Ryo and outside their room,

"We'll be going on ahead, hurry up so you don't miss the bus," Eri said with a giggle before leaving the room.

"I look forward to this school year, Ryo Kyosuke," Satou said before catching up to Eri.

The others also told their goodbyes before they left the room. Ryo was left alone. He grabbed his bag upstairs and headed down outside,

"Class A-1... Surely this will be the most troublesome chapter of myself," He mumbled as he walked towards the bus..