Partnered Up

Malien's world felt like it just collapse. Her mum reported to the school authorities that she needs to take a job.

"Meanwhile, Malien... I'm sorry to break it up to you but... Your mum signed a disownment file... She's getting married in three days and she have legally disowned you"

Malien's face mashed up as tears flowed down her face profusely. Hot Damn tears.

Her face became red and her pink lips twisted. Why didn't her mum just tell her she didn't need her?

"Here you go, Malien Smith" she said and handed the signed document to Malien.

Malien squeezed it as she looked at it in agony.

"You have been assigned to work with Penteiop in the meantime..."

"Penteiop?" Malien asked.

"Yes darling. The CEO is in the school as a border... Do you like to meet him?"

What's the point?

"Just leave it till when I need to get an interview"

Mrs Wang Min smiles and nodded as she collected the document.

"Thank you for your time, Malien. You're dismissed"

Malien cleaned the dry tears on her face but... Her eyes couldn't withhold another round of tears as she walked out of the office sobbing.

She stepped out of the office and her eyes meet with Zhang but... She don't care as she walks away.

Zhang however stares at her as she walks away.

His face stern like he was offended, but he kept it neutral.

Malien banged into her bunk angry.

How could Jenny, her mum, disown her?! After all they've been through?!

All her mates were not in the bunk when she entered. Everything had fallen for Malien.

Quickly, she wore a leather jacket and some cool sneakers and headed downstairs to go out of the school. Maybe her head will clear out when she catch a little breeze.

The roads of the town aren't that fancy and is a little bit local and jamparted. In the evening darkness, lights of cars reflected on her eyes as she walked down a low hill not far from the school.

She could see her bunkmates entering a bar but... Chunhua wasn't with them, so she didn't care.

Malien let her thoughts sink in deep as she remember the last and how her parents took a divorce. Maybe her dad was right all along... Her mum was a cheater.

And she thinks she had beared all the responsibilities of Malien far enough... Now is the time to let her go.

Her thoughts diverted to the job thingy. Where will she get a job now?

Gonrika Company... Masteris Company...


Her mind siezed to think for some split seconds.

Meaning, Zhang Wei will be her boss? This is so...

In her thoughts, She got lost and didn't see the incoming car as a white bus sped in her direction and like the driver was drunk, he summersaulted on her and she rolled down the slope of a forest.

Her eyes closed tight and she rolled roughly on the ground.

Smacking all corners of her body, the blood in her veins released the pain she have been holding that feels so long.

As she landed in the forest, pure red blood trickled down her arm as she groaned in pain.

"Shit" she mumbled under her breath as she sat upright on the rusty leaves.

As she flung her hair to look up, her eyes caught sight of a person staring at her.

Fear got her soak as sweat fell on her nose from her forehead, though, it was snowy.

"Who..Who are you?" she whispered.

The guy's hand in his pocket, left knee out, his teeth showed with the sparkle of the barely seen moon.

"Who do you think?"

His shadows multiplied, or is it other people?

"Who are you?!" Malien yelled as the arm which was bleeding stiffed.

The guy and the others started walking up to her but, still in the darkness.

He stopped at the the tip of the light of the moon, his feet were the only part of his body seen in the light of the moon that reflected on the ground.

"Now dear... I heard everything that came out from the mouth of Mrs Wang Min. You'll partnering with me in Penteiop. And also..."

"I will never partner with someone I don't know, so don't you think a type of charm works on me!"

Another guy by his side chuckled loosely.

"And, I know Mrs Wang Min didn't tell you but... When the time comes, you will marry me..."

A moment of silence passed before Malien reformatted what he just said.

She started laughing hysterically and the guys stared at her, none moved.

"A fifteen year old girl, marrying you?..."

She laughed the more and when the laughter wearied out, she cleared her throat and looked up at the shadow.

"First of, I don't know you. Secondly, I can't marry a guy I am not sure of. I haven't even seen your face yet... And I am to marry you? Look bro, I just had an accident and my arm is bleeding. Do you know what rolling on the ground feels like? Rough at that..."

The guy chuckled mockingly.

"You wanna see my face? Fine" he whispered.

He took a step forward and then Malien saw his face.

Zhang Wei.

Her eyes widened in surprise as those smiling lips of hers became an open circle of shock. The other guys came out and it was the rest of the group of boys.

Her breathing pace increased and she passed out twice.


"Yes me. Zhang Wei. The CEO of Penteiop and the person you are working under..."

He took three steps forward and bent down to the height of Malien as their noses touched slightly.

"And the person you are married to in the next four years..."

Malien's eyes couldn't leave him as he smirked.
