Chapter 15

Eduard's POV

I was surprise on the interest that Sam is exhibiting on their accident I know it is bad for me for putting it on stand by when I know there is something puzzling and need more investigating but I am distracted by this emotion I have for her. I can't sleep well, She is all my thoughts when i wake up, when i am working and in the evening when i am busy, even in sleep she is on my dreams...dreams that keeps me awake and keeps me hot all the time. I need to stop and the only way is to taste what i have been fantasizing since i know my feelings for her. The other night after our dinner was the hardest for me to control. That was the first time i endulged myself touching her. I know its not appropriate for me to do all those since she is still underage...I am mature enough to know that and beside I respect her, I respect her parents, I respect on what she stands for, a Princess that the people love but i can not control myself. Maybe tasting a little will do no harm.

From time to time I look at her doing something on her IPAD and admiring her beauty she is gorgeous and talented, looking at her i am amazed of her agility when I witnessed her training, I was surprised, never imagined she was the person i was admiring in the gym that time. I am thankful that she has the ability now to defend herself.

I was preoccupied on my laptop that i did not notice her going forward to my table, circling it and come to stand beside me.

" Eduard can i sit on your lap?"

I smiled at her and hold her hand as she sits on me. This I know is trouble.


💋Please vote for this story i need to know if you like and enjoy reading. your messages comments and votes will give this writer encouragement to write more chapters and more exciting concept.

Thank you for reading.

I am going to update tonight before 2021...💋