Chapter 1: 66th Independent Mechanized Corps

     August 12th UC 0079 200 miles from Great Sandy desert two Zeon Zaku are doing scouting job as they walked they didn't realize someone watching them from distance an Earth federation GM sniper 2 monitoring " Two enemy Mobile suit 9 o'clock from your position" the pilot Inform about enemy Mobile suit position through radio.

    "Roger Arianna Raid team will arrive at your position E.T.A. 10 minutes copy" the man received the information clearly but he asking about there were other mobile suit besides the ZAKU but she replied no thus he told her told hold position till Raid team deployed. The person who just informed  was Arianna a mobile suit pilot and the man was her Captain Morgan Stanley.

   Morgan lead team called 66th Independent Mechanized Corps or simply called the Hounds the group members were bunch of misfit, trouble maker and criminals among the team there was young pilot named Philip Buer. No record told about his childhood or his parents not his origin he was enlisted to military at age 17 Philip survived during incident called Jakarta Massacre Buer was found among the dead bodies. When One year war begin Buer were sent to Hounds under Morgan care. Philip piloting GM Raid costume

   He learned so much from him Morgan teach him that every start with single step Buer had close relationship with Kim Dong Suk female engineer from Anaheim Electronics. She treated everyone like her own family even Morgan she were sent to Hounds because she killed her husband who she suspect cheated on her with one of her co-workers after the incident she still blamed herself but with Buer here she always feels like homesick. She was good mobile suit but she rather not let that happen she work as mechanic in the Hounds.

   Kevin Edwards and Jean Hale was once work at radio station both of them are considering as best radio DJ ever but when wars coming their radio station were took by zeon both of them join Earth federation and transfer to the Hounds in the same time. Jean doesn't have pilot skill but he's experts on finding enemy radio frequency Kevin sleeping habits sometime help them but he also good in mechanical repair unlike Jean Kevin likes teasing people especially Alannah Woods. They driving hover trucks

  Andrew Pavel or known as Andre the Cleaner was once criminals he kills more then 40 people most of them are corrupt business men politician and Mobs thug. Andrew were charge for murder in court but before his trial a war broke out the judge decided to sent him to military Andrew first stationed in Lunar 2 but he was sent to Earth. There he met Morgan who recruit him as his second command Andrew personality toward his team were friendly but not to his enemy his personality change from warm to cold hearted men. It sometime give goosebumps to the hound but not Philips he show respect to him. Andrew piloting GM Night Seeker and GM land combat type.

   Morgan pass through the com room he asked Alannah to infrom the Raid team to prepare for drop the women with masculine hair and curvy body was Alannah Woods she was former saberfish fighter pilot. She once had lover he died during battle of Loum she blamed everything for happened Alannah decided to become mobile suit pilot she were stationed at California for short period until she sent to Hounds unit.

   Outside Earth federation Forrest base C-88 Medea or known as Big Booby piloted by Morgan himself Hound mobile suit already being loaded Morgan call out his team to aboard Big booby. Philip come out follow by Andrew and Alannah " Hey!! Boss what's a sit rep" Andrew asked about mission but Morgan will explain it when they inside the cockpit. Alannah spot white dingo team just returned from mission" Hey Kid look a that the master player are return" Alannah point her finger toward one of the Gray color GM.

   After everyone has aboard Morgan prepare to take off Morgan sit in pilot seat Morgan called flight tower request for take off the tower told them to safe return and kick some Zeon ass after approved it. Thus Big Boobby took off head towards Great Sandy desert while in the plane Morgan set auto pilot and heads to hangars there Philip, Alannah and Panvel already suit up and waited for orders.

    " Philip this your first mission how you holding up" Pavel checking up Philip but he just nod his head Pavel understand what Philip being through he pat Philip shoulder and told him no one left behind. Philip show slide of smile which made him feel better.

    " Gentleman ladies sorry Alannah according to our girl scout there was only two mobile suit I suspect they are forward scout" Morgan show the map of Great Sandy desert and it's surroundings area. It shows Zeon supply convoy from Alice springs heading to South of Gibson desert Morgan and his Hound team task to intercept the convoy from arrive to Adelaide base.

    The plan is Philip and Alannah will act as rear guard while Pavel and Arianna will support from vantage point. Philip jump to his GM Raid Alannah with GM ground type while Pavel using Land combat Type GM then suddenly Arianna calling from com" Morgan my covers were blown up how long you will arrives" Arianna covers were blown up Morgan told her to hold the position they almost in her position.

    Morgan opens the hangar door and unload the mobile suit " everyone remember our motto" Morgan asking the Hound motto and everyone shouts død før vanære which means death before dishonor thus they were drop from air.......