Chapter 3: where I belong

   August 31 UC 0079  a week later after Great Sandy Plain mission Morgan were called by Major Malek Zahad a command in charge at Forrest base he big fat belly with dark brown skin he famous because of his altitude towards low rank soldiers and officer. Rumors about him told he let his predecessor die during battle of Loum plus he tried to win Alannah Woods heart since she was only beauty in this base but the problem is she part of Hound members.

    He despise the Hound Everytime he met them blamed everything on them during last mission the intercept went smoothly. But Malek blamed Morgan for letting the remaining Zeon escape this time he decide to sent the Hound investigate about missing Unit.

   " So you want my team to investigate about the missing units" Morgan read the report a large group of Mobile suit team just returned from Northern Territory suddenly went silent. Report also told their trace leads to Cairns an abandoned city " But I don't want you go sent your lackey you had lot thing to do here" Malek didn't want Morgan go instead he want his subordinate go so if Morgan disobey the order he will get penalty Morgan sent Philip and Alannah Woods while Arianna and Andrew will standby guess if something happens.

     They were dropped at  about 776.9 KM from Cairnes Alannah was in charge for this operation while Jean and Kevin driving Hover truck known as Little Bastard heading to Cairnes they decided to taking shelter at abandoned town. Kevin do some maintenance for GM Raid and Guncannon while Jean tried to find Zeon radio frequency.

    " How you holding up Philip" he just nodded fine Alannah tried to asking about Philip past but he seems not ready to tell she respect her decision but she told him" sometimes you let it go the past it will be your burden" Alannah passes the cup of coffee to Philip. As they enjoyed black and bitter coffee Kevin informed that The rain were heavier The views might be blurry of sort plus tommorow they suspect fog were thick than ever.

      "Did you ever hear a story about The Green Devil's" Kevin asked about the ghost of Green Devil's a wondering soul from operation British believe to be pilot damaged Mobile suit. The story begin during operation British Zeon planning to drop the colony towards Jaburo but it went wrong way the unit were trust to guide the colony was known as the Green Devil's They mission is to make sure the colony was dropped straight to Jaburo. But it went South miscalculated drove the colony out from it's position it went to Sydney Australia the incident forced Zeon to sign Atlantic Treaty there be ceasefire for a while. The incident also killed entire Green Devil's unit but rumors told people saw Mobile suit flying around the wrecked colony they thought it was Zeon but the mobile suit were Rusty and cockpit is badly damage and it bears the same emblem of Green Devil's regiment.

    Before Kevin finish the tale Jean shows up behind them cause Kevin to jump shock and everyone laughing together then went to sleep for awhile. Meanwhile Max Calum just arrive at Perth Australia he welcome by admiral Karl Hauser captain to Fallen Cross Jukon class submarine Perseus. The base was originally owns by Earth federation forces but it was left abandoned during operation British Calum was reported to Titus in office there he met Abby and Selena again after one month.

     " Welcome Max to the order of Fallen Cross" Titus introduce four new member who joined after Calum Calica operator girl works as informer in new Yark city next is Boris from Zeon marine Corps he has muscular body next was Dorian tulip from Granada base he was sent to Earth because he was capture slept with minister wife and last one is James wong an mobile suit pilot he was recruited by Titus 3 monts ago at Solomon fortress.

   As they getting know each other Karl Inform to Titus about operation Lost soul were commence by 7th Regiment has begun at abandoned city called Cairns they success trick the Federation Forces by sending team to investigate the City. Titus also received report from 1st lieutenant Visch Donahue about Astaroth the weapon they going to use to attack Torrington Base. Titus tell everyone to take some rest the briefing will start tommorow as everyone left Calum stop by Abby she show unsatisfied look" you still not worthy but I will watching your progress" she told Calum the she will watching his progress if he was worthy or not after that she left for Calum that's was part of his test to be better pilot.

      September 1st UC 00079 next morning the hounds has arrived at Cairnes city when they looked around the place was empty it was like nobody was there. Alannah plan search the area with fog getting thick she thinks the best way is to split up She went west Philip went East Jean and Kevin are holding in their position. As both of them disappear in the fog Jean began his bypass job finding enemy position while Kevin watched the surrounding at machine gun port.

     While Jean busy finding enemy position Kevin eyes catches a single red eye watched them from the fog he thought it was enemy mobile suit he called Jean to hurry but he didn't answer it. Sound of mobile suit walking around them Kevin scare feeling were mix with fear and anger suddenly Jean pull Kevin shirts that cause him to scream.

    " Hey! Hey! Hey!.... Kevin are you alright"  Jean look at Kevin pale face he let Kevin rest for a while Jean found out there was anomaly located at city square so they need to drive inside the fog Jean drive the Little Bastard toward the city square. Meanwhile Alannah at West of Cairnes city walking around without guide with comm were cut off she decided to turn back but the path she took already being covered by thick fog. She looked at time is already 9 O'Clock morning the should be gone but it became even thicker than before.

    She decided to return but she move only forward then suddenly her Guncannon were shot from back she look back but nothing there she suspect it was enemy mobile suit then another shots coming but this time she manged to evade it. She launch suppressing fire then another attack coming damaging one of the cannons. Alannah drove her mobile suit towards south using boost but since her cannon already damage the cooling system the boost jet didn't last long. Her Guncannon hits one of the buildings the impact cause small damage near chest vent and cockpit door.

     Alannah hoped someone might came but no one ever come she hide Guncannon behind large ruined building using large mantle she sit at pilot cockpit with M71A1 service pistol at her hand she pointed in front of her cockpit waited enemy to come. Alannah start to remember what happened during her times at Lunar 2 she was pilot of saberfish Along with her boyfriend Harold.

    Both them were consider as best fighter pilot ever Harold piloting TIN Cod but everything changed when Harold met Gina a girl work as operator. She was assigned at Trafalgar-Class ship or the Arkham first they were just friends then suddenly they became much closer Alannah was stationed at side 6 that time she didn't know about it.

   Until that day it was Valentine's day especially for lovers Alannah decided to buy Valentine's present for her lover and wants to marry him after the wars over. After that she returns her home suddenly she saw Harold with someone went to the house two blocks from her house. Curious Alannah decided to find out she stand in front the house she press the bell no one answered she press Second time no one answered it. After few time press the bell with no answer she decided to break in but the door not locked even the auto lock did work.

   She slowly walk inside poking around looking for sign of Harold the she hear voice like woman are moaning it's coming from second floor. The moaning voice getting more clear she look around to find the source of it suddenly another moaning voice was heard by her this it was man.

    " Oh!! Yes!...more!.." the moaning started to getting louder Alannah also stumble some clothes were scattered around the floor from women blouse to men boxers " Yes!! Emmm.... Harold!!!..... suddenly she heard Harold name it came from master bedroom. Alannah approach the master bedroom door she sees the small hole she poked her eyes She shocked for what she saw with her own eyes.

      It was Harold having sex with Gina her own neighbor " ohh....yeah!! more....yes!!...oh yes!!! Harold!!! More!!!" Alannah turn her eyes away with tears came out she left the house with broken heart. " Harold how could he did this after everything we went through even I gave my life for you" Alannah Lockn herself for 1 week after what happened she became different she doesn't know who she was anymore. She requested to become Mobile suit pilot she trained and got certified.

     While she prepare for leaving someone calling her when she look back it was Harold she still hold anger towards him" where you been I being looking for you" Harold asking about her whereabouts but Alannah didn't answer instead she whispered to Harold ear" take good care of her" then she left Harold with regret at his face.

   After what happened everything went dark and blurry she heard someone calling her name many she tried to reach that voice but it was too far the voice calling her name again. This time asking her to wake up she seems recognize that voice with all her strength she left she reached the voice then suddenly she wake up she it was raining she looked around the fog has disappear. Philip it was him who called her name many times Philip look at her with clueless look " are you ok Alannah" Philip asking Alannah how she was suddenly tears came out from her eyes she hug Philip tightly and start crying finally she found it the place she belong.