Chapter 5: Incoming threat'

   September 6th UC 0079 Titus Sent Abby, Calum, Wong ,and Boris to Support Alice springs defense from Earth federation Army forces the Zeon called it Operation Dracula to prevent Federation from retake Alice springs. At same time Federations force from Torrington and Forrest are commence joint operation to retake Alice springs lead by Major Malek Zahad and lieutenant Colonel Dixon Frost.


     With 3 big tray class, 40 unit M61A5/ MBT-Battle Tank, 12 Ground Type GM from Torrington Base The Forrest Base sent 2 MS team (The Hound and 7th Mobiles survey Corps), 10 FF-S3 Saberfish fighters, and Heavy-Fork class. The plans is to attack at two sides but the problem is Zeon has underground base at Ayers Rock which is Forrest will divide in two. first group will join Torrington forces to retake Alice springs while second group will take different route to Ayers Rock.

  The plan originally is to prevent enemy from marching to any Federation control territory like Forrest, Adelaide, Torrington, and Carryton. If there was climate change like heavy raining or thick fog this can be cancelled if chain of command order to.

    Meanwhile Titus Fallen cross already arrive at Alice springs for this mission Titus assign Calum to be team leader he want to see how Calum handle it. Upon their arrival was welcome by Captain Abel Onyx's the commander in charge defense of Alice springs. " How many do we have" Calum asking about strength of the defense Abel explain they have 16 units of Magellan eins 5 GM Camouf 9 units of Zaku 2 group type 3 Gouf ground type 10 armored cars also 5 Bunker Gun prepare for holding up Federation Forces.

     Abel informed they will launch attack from two side he even request reinforcement from Ayers Rock and Hughenden and they will arrive in two days from now. While Calum busy talking. Abby, Wong and Boris took walk around the town to clear their thoughts " Abby you look bit gloomy today are alright" Wong shown his concern towards Abby but she just silently nod Boris decided to get some strong drink at bar he asking Wong to join him. But Wong made promise to Selena to watch over Abby while she not around but he will joining him afterwards.

    As Boris went to bar left only Wong and Abby they keep walking around the town the citizen who live there shown sign of hatred towards Zeon soldiers. Fear, afraid, and despair haunting them all Wong curious about Abby background how can she be these calmed as young kid " so Abby where do you come from" Wong asking her where she from. Abby told them she born and raised at Flanagan institute lab since child she was taught how to kill and never shown mercy.

    While she were 7 she went several test til she never feel any Pain unlike other kid until she meet Selena Magna a person who teach her what life meant is. She sent by Zeon to act representative from them when she first time make eye contact Selena just smile at that moment she felt no one smile even the female researcher also shown normal altitude towards her.

    She decided to know her after she finished her rehearsal she went to see Selena all time she taught her many things about love, care and friendship after 2 month selena had return to side 3  to sent her report she waited her till she came back. Everyday She stand at docking station waited for Selena to came back she waited and waited until one day she came back this she bring her friend a man named Titus. He's the one who recruited her while listening to Abby story Wong saw Calum came he were told that their mobile suit has arrive.


    " Great let's go see it Abby you coming" Abby nodded yes together they went to hangar to check their mobile suit as for Boris he still at Bar drinking. Meanwhile at Forrest Alannah just being discharged and received a warm welcome from the Hounds upon her return She went to see Philip at hangar when she arrives Philip and Kim are busy repairing the Guncannon for big mission tommorow. " Philip! Can I have moment with you" Alannah wants to talk with Philip about Cairnes both of them went outside of hangar as Kim watched them she noticed Alannah act differently when she met him.

   After finishing their conversation Alannah quickly left the hangar while Philip head back inside as Kim watched him with smile" what she's say to you" Kim asking why Alannah want to see him" Philip reply she just want to say thank you for saving her at Cairnes. After hearing Philip answer Kim just smile at him she explained to him that Alannah might have feeling to him. Philip face suddenly turns red he tried to cover it but Kim See's it they laughed together.

   Meanwhile Malek contact someone from secure comm" the plan success as you requested I hope you do your part" Malek done his part before he turn off the call he inform the prototype has being loaded inside Heavy-Fork class. Then he's off the call suddenly Mayne pops out from the table she having good time giving service till he cum

   " Yeahhh!!... that's girl...suck it till all comes out..." Malek told her to suck his thing till he cum Mayne just follow his lead she continues sucking his thing it was big and thick. Her mouth could not fit it " Mmmmm...slurppp!!!!....Chuppp!!!Mmmmm...slurpppp!!!!!...ohhh yeah" Mayne continue suck till he climax then Malek could not hold he pushed her head and let her drink all his cum.

    " Mmm.....sir you really naughty do you" Mayne drink every last of his cum till it's clean.

    That Night Morgan inform that the Hounds will not take part of retake Alice springs they were sent to stop enemy reinforcement at Ayers Rock suddenly everyone shocked for the orders especially Pavel" what?? Why us Morgan" Pavel  unsatisfied with the orders he went to see Malek at his office but stopped by Morgan he explained to Pavel about the situation.

    Morgan explain about the situations the Intelligence found out Zeon had secret underground base at Ayers Rock the chain of command suspect Alice springs got their supply and reinforcement from there. For that the Hounds job is to stop Ayers Rock from sending reinforcement to Alice springs. After hearing Morgan explanation Pavel starting to cool down for bit he angry because why they were treated like this.

    Morgan also Inform they need to deploy tonight so everyone went suit up except Alannah she still not very well she under care of Kim and she replaced by Ariana. Philip will piloting Ground Type GM since he GM Raid had technical issue Pavel will became support thus The Hounds took off with their Big Booby head to the objective.......