Chapter 11: The Glass Castle

Forrest base was badly damaged with Gate 2 being breach Front gate was heavily damage Forrest was outnumbered by Zeon attack. Captain Morgan Stanley and his 66th Independent Mechanized Corps "HOUNDS" are holding the base defense along with remaining Federation Forces in Forrest.

As the rest were busy Holding defense Philip by the way were tried to get Alannah come back to her sense as she began to delusional her minds were playing tricks she became unstable.

" NO!!!!!....GET AWAY FROM ME" Alannah began to shot randomly Philip tried to defend himself using a shield but the shot managed to hit his GM shoulder. Alannah began to step away from the Battlefield she went out the base as Philip chasing her.

Meanwhile the Enemy has breached second Gate Morgan began to fire to the their position he also notify Pavel and Kevin to Help Arianna at Front gate while he and Jean holding the breach gate.

While at port side sea Zeon Jukon class to fire another missle then suddenly they being alerted by incoming enemy they spot two Aqua GM Type. The Admiral has go out there himself by Piloting his Z'Gok Type E

he also notify his crew to begin the countdown.

But before he managed to deploy one of the Aqua GM had firing torpedo missle managed to caused some damaged on the submarine. The attack also caused the launch from open and stopped the submerged time The admiral began to mad as he went back to bridge to check up the condition another attack coming this time both Aqua GM shots harpoon gun towards the submarine body.

The shots cause a leaking through some areas the admiral began issue of retreat but it was too late for them as the missiles coming from front of them thus Destroyed the bridge and killed everyone.

At Same time Pavel and Kevin went to help Arianna but when they arrive what they saw was the saddest moments ever Arianna GM Sniper 2 was badly damaged but still firing few shots

" Glad you guys coming will give me a hand" Upon hearing she was alive both of them began suppressing fire Pavel told to eject out but refuse to do it.

Not far from the base Alannah and Philip are still quarrel on each other Philip try his best to bring her back but Alannah rejected easily she believes Malek Zahad more than anyone. for that Philip doesn't have any choice but to shot her. Alannah began fire her arm Gatling gun Philip tried to evade it but he legs were hit then she draw the light saber then thrust forward to sliced Philip GM but he managed to block it using his own light saber.

" Alannah please stop why won't you recognize me" Philip tried to reach her again but Alannah push his Ground Type GM back.

" I don't even care what you gonna say In fact you are my enemy till I killed you all" Alannah slashed her Beam saber but it hits His shield Philip took this chance by kick her mobile suits back.

Meanwhile at Front gate James Wong and Abby are waiting orders from Titus as he watched some of Zeon Zaku 2 were destroyed by Federation Forces even they outnumbered but they moral are still strong.

He began tu move his MS-06K Zaku Cannon with Gatling gun attached on it's shoulder and began his covering fire.

" Wong you cover Abby you went in" Titus began tu order him and Abby but only Abby has given orders to breach in while he cover her. Wong with no hesitate start firing the Gatling gun till it running out. Bullets.

Abby by the way has breach the front gate there she had to fight Pavel, and Kevin she with her new prototype Gouf known as Throne began to attack Pavel but blocked by Kevin she decided to use arm Gatling and she quickly back off for while.

At hangar Kim already finishing repair RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type for her to use she quickly jump to the cockpit a and start up.

Morgan and Jean are still struggling with Dom Barrage attack they to find cover Everytime when the Dom start Shooting he and Jean had to think a plan to disable the Gatling system.

" Morgan you any idea how to disable that thick Dom Gatling systems" Morgan began to looked around the area suddenly then he saw Guncannon Mass Production Type came out from hanger and piloted by Kim.

Morgan call Kim through comm and he requested firing support from her because he want to disable the Gatling system on that Dom Barrage. Kim began to firing twin canon from her position then Morgan to used a jet thruster to flying for short time while Jean began to cover him.

" Morgan did you find the Dom because I am out of ammo" Jean remind him that he almost out of ammo. Morgan already spot the Dom he began to firing till it hits the back pack Selena that time were furious she detach the backpack and use smoke screen to escape she ordered the second group to cover her retreat.

Morgan managed to went back towards his position but his GM Custom was badly damaged especially the left leg and thruster Kim warned his if he used the thruster again the thruster will explode and kill him in process.

Pavel and Kevin are struggling faced the new Prototype Gouf Throne piloted by Abby Arianna tried to give a firing support but Her GM Sniper 2 were hit by Morning star the attack sends her fall to one of the Hangar building. as Arianna were unconscious Pavel and Kevin tries to attack the Gouf but each shot he fires the Gouf managed to evade it easily. Pavel in other hand tries to fight it in close combat by using Beam saber but The Gouf Throne are easily anticipate the attack.

Philip in other hand were busy trying to stop the brainwashed Alannah from running amok Alannah mind began hallucinating again this time she began to attack more aggressively. Philip Ground Type GM was badly damage at legs and arms he tried not to her.

Then Suddenly Alannah started to feel pain she began to imagine things the pain she couldn't not hold it much longer.

" Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!....." Alannah scream in pain and she pass out the Gundam also began to stop moved Philip in other way tries to approach the Gundam but he was stopped by Zaku 2 type F2 they came to retrieve the Gundam and Philip try to prevent it. But he can't since His mobile suit was badly damaged all he can do is to hope for next chance Philip went back to base there he were shocked for what he saw Pavel, and Kevin was immobilized by unknown Gouf type Arianna was pass out.

Abby in other hand began to felt something familiar her Newtype power began to sense someone like her she looked around to find the source of the alert turns out it's coming from the enemy GM ground type. Abby also suspect the Enemy is surely a Newtype like her but his power seems pure unlike her she were born in Labs there were side effects she will began to feels it. But the power she sense from the enemy was pure and Serene she must capture the pilot and bring him to Titus no matter what it takes.

Abby start her attack by shot at it's weak point to crippled the move but Philip managed evade it by roll to the left to find cover Pavel in same time tries to start his mobile suit but it failed he call out Kevin to see if he's alive or not. Kevin answer it from radio comm he was badly wounded and part of debris had pierced through this left abdomen. Upon hearing that Pavel find a way to help his friend he tried to reach Morgan or Jean through radio but no one answered he thought they probably dead. at same time Morgan managed to wiped out the enemy from breaching Second Gate with help from Kim and Two Aqua GM they managed to drove them away.

Titus was not pleased with the report he quickly sent second group to attack front gate while requested fire support from Gallop then he finds out Abby was there engaging enemy Mobile suit. He then Quickly order her to retreat Abby that time were busy received the order but if she retreat there's no way she will encounter him again but since it was an Order Abby has to follow it.

" What? why she fall back did something wrong" Philip were bit confused it he then went saw Morgan and the others arrived but then suddenly he heard something coming.

" INCOMING!!!!!...Take Cover!!!" Morgan and others began to find a cover but the shot managed to hit everyone the Gallop began to fire another shot and it cause huge exoplotion Philip that time tries to stand up then he saw Zeon enemy came in he couldn't not move it's hand because is badly damaged.

Then Morgan come to help he began to shoot all incoming enemy Silas began to order all units to move towards the base for final push. Morgan call out his teammates but not one answered Arianna GM Sniper were destroyed and by the impact and kill her in process. Pavel was badly wounded due to the impact and Kevin died when the first shot hit directly to his mobile suits as for Kim her Guncannon were immobilized and she pass out due to her injuries. Jean in other way are still in good shape Piloting GM Night Seeker along with two Aqua GM he help Morgan stop the enemy from Marching in.

But one of the Aqua GM were shot through it's cockpit and kill the pilot in the process Jean use 380mm Hyper Bazooka he found back then and began firing towards the enemy. Morgan GM Custom head was blow by Gatling gun shots from Zaku Cannon and piloted by James Wong. He marched towards Morgan and ram it with Shoulder shield that Time Jean were struggle by incoming enemy from every direction He order the Aqua GM to fire a missiles to cover Morgan the pilot follow it and start Launch the missle towards Wong Zaku Cannon. Philip in other hand managed to start up his Ground Type GM he then head towards the Battlefield to help his Captain Philip draw his beam saber and sliced the enemy Mobile suit to half.

" You pieces of shit die" Wong fire the Gatling system to the Aqua GM the shots torn of the Mobile suits and kills the pilot Wong change his target to Jean before he starts to attack Jean suddenly Morgan came out nowhere grab the Gatling system and tear it off to pieces.

" Shit the Gatling system is down I guess I use the hard way" Wong draw out Head hawk and tried to sliced Morgan but he blocked it with shield.

" You will never Forrest while I am still breathing" Morgan push Wong away from his position then he began fire his Rifle towards Wong but he managed to evade it. Philip saw the opportunity and shot Wong from behind the Explosion cause his mobile losing a balance for awhile.

" This for Everyone" Philip continue his firing till Wong Zaku Cannon couldn't not hold the attack.

" Impossible!! how can someone beat me I am the great Wong!!!" Wong Zaku Cannon finally explode and kill him in process Philip tries to move his mobile suit but till it falls again. Philip only can watch his comrade died in front of his eyes Morgan GM Custom was stabbed by Selena Magna Dom Barrage using her Head Rod While Jean was killed by Abby Prototype Gouf Throne using Black steel katana she cuts Jean Mobile suits in half.

At the Same time Reinforcement from Torrington Base has arrived lead by White Dingo team Captain Prayers the Remaining Zeon began to retreat along with Fallen cross they left the Battlefield till Federation Forces arrived.

Philip was survived along with Kim who badly wounded the rest of didn't not Forrest base still remain as Federation base till now.

Philip was stayed in Hospital for week there he watched news about Federation White Devil mobile suit called Gundam but for him That mobile suit was Monster in disguise. He also swear if he ever find that Black Gundam again he won't hesitate to destroyed even the pilot was actually his friend Alannah.......