Family Time.

Yang Dao held Feng Yun's hand as she walked inside the house. Then he quickly came to the shoe locker. He took out a pair of indoor slippers and gave them to her. He knew Feng Yun did not like to wear heels at home. The beauty in front of him sensed a burst of warmth. This warmth then radiated in her voice, "Young Master, you don't have to do that."

Yang Dao replied, "I know, but I just want to." the sunny smile on his lips. Melted Feng Yun's heart. She shook her head, took off her heels, and put on the slippers Yang Dao got for her. Then Yang Dao said, "I won a race today so, I called over the club and some classmates. Sorry."

Feng Yun shook her head with a smile, "I don't mind it is your home."

Yang Dao squinted his eyes and said, "Our home." Feng Yun chuckled and said, "Yes, your lordship. Our home. Now can I have some food. I am hungry." with a pleading look on her face.