Elemental Contractor.

The three people got off the car and Yang Dao sighed, "You sure have a good sense of value for money, sister Yun."

Feng Yun smiled. She knew that Yang Dao was talking about the house. The last time he came here was in the night and left to accompany Feng Yun in the morning. He could not admire the beauty of this place completely. The faint fragrance in the air, the colorful scenery. He liked it a lot. Laohu Bai said, "Young Master, do you want to rest or do you want to learn first?"

Yang Dao said, "Learn first. How about we sit in the garden pavilion? The weather is not too cold, and the sky is clear as well."

Feng Yun nodded as she placed an arm around his shoulder and said, "Yes, I was about to say this. Come, let's go to the pavilion."