Pleasure and Pain.

Twelve hours passed so quickly that it felt like minutes to the people who were involved in the purge. The Garden Island issued statements and the big names held press addresses, but the damage has been done. Even if they were innocent as they claim to be, things cannot calm down in an instant. 

The bigger problem was that the world asked them to bring forward the children who suffered this inhumane thing. They all wanted to assure that the children are alright. Where can the government complete this demand? Someone proposed to gather similar-aged children and present them in front of the media, as the ones in the videos declare them to be under isolated treatment. 

The idea was good and was executed swiftly. Those in need exist all around the world. The people acted quickly and found such children. The media accepted this, but they all demanded the children be looked after by the government and provided high-end facilities and compensation.