Wipe Out.

Lin agreed to the wolf team's special Recruit, Trent's condition. She agreed to go on a date with him if he can win Yang Dao in a spar. She put her dignity on line for the boy. This made Yang Dao very irritated. He turned around and looked at Lin. He said, "A woman is not an object to be put at stake. Since you have done this already. I will have me at your feet like a scum he is." 

His words made the women happy, but Trent clenched his jaw. Yang Dao called him a scum in front of everyone. He said, "Humph, hypocrite, do you not like beautiful women or are you just posing to be the righteous one in front of them?" 

Yang Dao undid the holster on his thigh and said, "Those who cannot differentiate between appreciation of beauty and staining it with lust are scum. Everyone here can see what emotion you had in your eyes. Don't put your dirt on everyone else. Come, let us spar."