
As the team from silver city blocked the right side of the road. Yang Dao moved ahead from the left side. What he did was to stand up and dance. The captain of the team in front of him was actually taking advantage of the sun and calculating his actions through the shadows formed on the road. However, he could still only see the front side of Yang Dao's body.

When Yang Dao synced his body movements with the person, he looked down slightly following his actions and found that the shadow on the road was formed from behind them as the sun was still not that high. This gave him the idea of how he was being blocked. So, he meticulously came up with this way to pass the people. 

Yang Dao had locked his head in the standard position while his butt was already off the seat. As long as he would stand up, he can dance at his best. So he delayed raising his head much and with a jerk on his bike he fooled the opponent and passed them smoothly in one go.