
Yang Dao was displaying the emotions Orion was going through at this moment. The old minister still had a great control over himself. Someone else in his place would have broken down. The man was also very loyal to his mate, the former queen. Unlike some of his predecessors. 

The child of chronicles yelled at the masses with endless anger contained in his eyes. The people were scared. While some people realised that their assumption of the queen being a goddess was bad and similarly there were some stubborn lumps, who thought that the the child of chronicles was uttering total bull shit. 

Yang Dao sensed this and said in a deep voice, "If you need proof then I shall prove it to you." 

Just as his voice dropped, he waved his hand and the whole world lost it's color. The people were stunned. They saw the world becoming a sketch of black and white lines. While some were clear some were blurred with the hue of white and black.