
After Professor Newton woke up, he told Yang Dao that they were attacked by a group of people and then they suddenly fell unconscious. The boy replied, "Sir, I did not find anyone here. When I arrived you and Candy were lying on the ground." 

The man thought and said, "Maybe stress got to my head. But What about Candy. Why did she fall unconscious?" 

Yang Dao shrugged his shoulders and said, "She is a child, Sir. Probably the sudden alarms scared her. We can get it checked up by the medics at the shelter. Shall we go?" 

He helped the man up on his feet and they slowly walked to the shelter. On the way, Candy chatted with Yang Dao about a lot of random things. This trivia lightened up the mood. After they arrived at the shelter they found that a few strong boys were guarding the door. They all saw Yang Dao approaching and nodded to him in greeting.