Feng Yun and Laohu Bai met up at the top of the ruby tower. They stood with an indifferent face, unlike the usual. There was no air wind blowing at the top this time. Laohu Bai said, "You placed a ban of the wind blow, Sister Yun?"
The latter only nodded in reply and said, "Let us get moving, Xiao Bai. Dao is a sensitive person. If he decided to go away, it will be bad for the restoration of the balance. I do not care about my existence, but there are countless innocent lives in the world that may suffer because of something they did not even know about."
Laohu Bai sighed and nodded heavily as she said, "Dao, has alienated himself because his anger will get better of him, those two pricks. I wish I can kill them. How dare they manipulate things to such an extent? I do not know why. What will they gain from this?"