Bright glowing star

Yan stood next to Jason, looking at a huge spatial portal with a faint smile on his face, and a pitch-black card in his hand.

"Wait, you can summon a portal to Shima, but you never actually went there?! Who are you trying to troll right now??" Jason wondered, starting to doubt if his brain was playing tricks with him.

However, Yan just smiled before he told him.

"I have configured and tweaked the fluctuations of your UTC phone a little bit as well. There shouldn't be any problems left. Furthermore, I replicated it with my affinity, so I might reach out to you if I need help.

Xynar's coordinates were added in the UTC phone as well. It won't conflict with the overlapping coordinates either.

Have fun, don't die, and don't give up even if some situations seem like a deadlock to you. You just have to break through the impossible and make it work!"

Jason just looked at Yan, flabbergasted, as he sensed that the Emperor threw him through the portal.