The Root Of The Problem


"You heard me, I know you two have a past, but I can give up so easily. After what Kiratorpelis did to me last time with him...I just, I think you're a really amazing person. Even though Stell and I rushed in, you saved us, then you fought that monster alone. Even Diagon was speechless during the fight, but you are some much more than that. You were thrown on this planet against your will, taken from your home, but you still didn't stop for a moment. I need you in my life Dak."

At this point, my heart had been squeezed so hard, there was almost nothing left to give, but low and behold, crushed to a pinpoint. This was not what I had expected at all, what the frick? So now she was not giving up like had become some prize for the two girls to compete over?