The mermaid story

Vol. 3 - Chapter 15 - The mermaid story




The old chamberlain took Vlad on the uppermost floor of the castle to the private chambers of the Count, where he later stopped to point toward the wall where a library was set on.

"The library holds a hidden room, where the old Count, respectively the Count, stashed away the money they accumulated. I don't know how to open it, but I saw the Count exiting from the hidden room with my eyes.

"That's enough information for me, old Gero. Now step aside and take a seat on that couch to watch a master at his work. Let me see, compared to the locks from Mathias's Library and what I should expect here, it couldn't be that far off. There are so many ways to open this thing, but I'd rather not always use the brute force."

Saying that, he walked toward the library, and staring calmly at the library, he used his [Observation Haki] trying to see an opening where a lever could be resting. Yet as he did that, he couldn't feel anything from his senses, making him ponder a bit, beginning talking to himself.

"I could feel the old man's presence, but not where the mechanism is placed. Something to take note of, this ability doesn't work on inanimate objects. I still have to find out the utilities of these abilities and how I can use them more efficiently."

Placing his hand on the library, touching the books, he used his blood powers to start pouring viscous blood, which began moving into the crevices, guiding him toward the treasure trove he was curious to find.

It took quite a while for him to search the entire library and the wall, where the old chamberlain took a nap, yet got awake by Vlad, who said with some annoyance in his voice.

"Those bastards really are good at hiding their treasure, to think they would place the opening mechanism right there. So many books I had to search, that I got tired. Ohh, you woke up, old man? Just go to sleep if you are tired. I can understand your situation."

"No need, can you finally open the treasury?" asked the old man, walking slowly toward him, gazing at the books in the library.

"Hm, here, let me show you how simple, in fact, this mechanism trully is. You just have to pull out this book and insert your hand, to pull two strings. You just had to do those steps, but this only looks like a common library." mentioned Vlad pulling a book from the left-wing of the library and inserting his hand in a small crevice in the wood before he could feel some leather ropes that he pulled.

This entire process resulted in the activation of the mechanism leading to the treasury. With some relatively slow movement, the central part of the library opened up like a door, revealing a pathway.

"You wish to continue walking? Even if there are some traps, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Hah, even if I see it with my eyes, it would just sadden me knowing the ones I served could have done so much good with their money." commented old Gero, nevertheless, continuing walking along with Vlad.

The path led Vlad forward a couple of meters before it ended, revealing another door, sealed, that once again required his ingenuity to open it up. The way he casually opened the door had the old man laugh, saying to him.

"If those two ghosts could watch you open the treasury in such a nonchalant manner, I think they would come back from death to strangle you."

"If. Even with such an event happening, I can send them back to hell easily. Now, the moment of truth."

With the lock opened, Vlad opened the door, revealing a black room, where the light from the private chamber couldn't reach, and activating his blood powers to enhance his sight, he could see a lot of gold and jewels, but it wasn't certain for the remaining treasure.

Opening his palm and getting toward an extinguished torch, he used two blood balls which began spinning by the torch, creating smoke, and after a minute, the torch was set ablaze.

Withdrawing his blood constructs, he took the torch in his hand and walked to light the remaining ones, along the way revealing what was hiding in the darkness, from pieces of art to simple ornaments, to gold and jewels, the room had a decent treasury.

"My, my. They worked so hard to strangle the poor people just to get this tiny treasury? At best, this place is worth 250.000.000 𝔅, not including the hard gold. I can do much with the gold, no need to convert it into banknotes. Having tangible wealth could be far more assuring than some pieces of paper."

"Your Highness, how much would you say this treasury is worth in total, adding the gold you didn't include?" asked the old man, curious seeing so much gold and sparkling items that even at his age, he got some palpitations.

"About 350.000.000 𝔅 but there's something called inflation which can change the amount of money worth in this room, so holding on the gold compared to the banknotes is the safest way of managing your money."

Talking with to old man about money with the decent knowledge he gained from Aldenis and Kavos on economy and with the books he read and putting down the torches, he walked back after closing the door, leaving the seals off, only closing the library.

Getting back to the castle's main room, where he left the mermaid, Kaia, to rest on a comfortable couch, she sensed his arrival and turned her head in his direction.

"Did something happen to you, little mermaid? It seems like your body's regenerative strength is high compared to some simple human woman, noted down."

"I am fine, my body still aches, but you said it was because I am healing up. Have you finished your checks? Can you take me away from this cursed place?"

"Patience, I gave you my word. There are still some administrative tasks I have to do before returning home. Depending on how fast the people mobilize and act, the faster we go home."

Following that, he took a dial snail, calling Robert, who immediately answered the call, asking if everything on his side was finished.

"What do you expect, little Robert? Anyway, gather all the city's people, and when I say all, I mean it. Afterwards, bring them to the castle. If they ask why, hmm?" stopping for a brief moment, he could hear the whispering of people from the dial, to which he told targetting all of the people surrounding Robert.

"All of you who are listening to my voice, the reason I want you to gather at the castle is to decide your future going forward. With this chance I gave, your future will be in your hands. So push yourself, gather your strength to walk the path toward the castle. I will await you here."

Ending his call, he walked to sit beside the mermaid who was lying on the couch, in a sleeping position. She wanted to shift postured, but because of her tail, it got in her way from moving, but Vlad patted her tail.

"Don't worry, be comfortable. Do you want to talk with me about yourself as we wait for the citizens of the city to show up?"

Kaia looked at Vlad's face, watching her calmly, without any cravings for her body, which was a first for her with the exception of old Gero, who helped her with everything he could, soothing her nightmare with as little he could.

"I don't mind talking about me and my home. I am from the Ryugu Kingdom, the country that belongs to fishman and merfolk. As for who I am, I am one of Queen Otohime maids that was tasked with searching for a place on the surface where my Queen could settle down with our people."

When she mentioned that, tears began flowing from her black eyes, but this didn't affect her from continuing her story about herself and her mission.

"I was captured in the Paradise Region by some pirates when I was inspecting an inhabitable island. It was foolish of me into trusting their words of wanting to help me. Arghhh, I failed my Queen and the mission she entrusted me. It has already been one year since I left my home. Everyone must think I got killed on the mission."

"Or maybe not. Why are you have so ruthless with yourself? Haven't you already suffered so much at the hands of those animals? Breath and calm down. Fate has everything settled down for everyone. The only difference is that sometimes we need to force her hand into giving what we want. Ahem, please continue with your story."

She felt a bit better hearing Vlad's encouraging words, yet this didn't change how she had felt for failing her Queen. She brought new information of interest to Vlad that he remained silent at the face of the Fishman's obstacles they had to pass.

"Your Highness, you tell me, are you disgusted by us, Fishman? Why wouldn't humans want us on the surface? My Queen tried so much, but all her attempts were blocked by the humans at the Grand Palace." inquired Kaia with her face full of emotions, to which Vlad could only shake his head, patting her hand.

"Little Kaia, understanding politics is a tricky thing, especially the ones played at the highest stage, where the only weakness you show would be preyed upon. There's also a balance some people are afraid it will break. Some blatantly see you as inferior lifeforms. I could care less about such things.

You have a brain that allows you to think. You have a heart which gives you life, apart from the differences of appearance, I don't see anything to be repulsed. Heh, I've seen jet-black people in my life, and I wasn't taken aback by that encounter. Why would I feel repulsed by you or anyone of your kind?" said Vlad looking calmly at Kaia, whose lip began trembling, and tears started flowing.

"Your Highness, can you please help my people, my Queen? I know I am asking you something selfish, especially when you saved me, healed me, but I still can't bring myself to return to my Queen without an answer that could place a smile on her lips."

"Sigh, such a good servant. I can't promise you anything now, I will have to think. Until then, I welcome you to my court and to see the true face of my Kingdom."

"This... Your Highness, please…"

"Little Kaia, to tell you something from an experienced ruler, taking decisions on the fly sometimes can bite you back. I will have to ponder a lot on how I can help your people. Maybe it will require me to meet your Queen so we can talk in detail about those problems you guys are facing."

"She would for sure agree to meet you, knowing her from when I was just a young girl." said Kaia, nodding her head with a pure smile on her face, sensing that Vlad would want to help them with their problem.

Passing around the time, he was waiting for the citizens of Grailline to appear while talking to the mermaid, sharing some things about himself to her, about the Civil War and other adventures he experienced, getting to know each other at an amicable stage.

With Robert giving him a call reporting that they got inside the castle courtyard, he invited them inside, to the meeting room, where soon the 1500 citizens of Grailline made their appearance, stepping inside with shy steps.

"Big brother, everyone has gathered. Now what?"

"Everyone, I will get straight to the point. I called you to the castle because I want to choose the future person to administer this region of Grailline and need your opinion on this matter. Who do you think is the person capable enough to lead you forward?"

With this question, everyone turned silent, looking at one another, from little kids about 4 years old to old people at the end of their life, the main room turned similar to the council room, with people whispering, discussing their opinions, and this made Vlad feel a bit better seeing them still with the will to live, to reconstruct their lives and their city.

Minutes passed, and there was still no one mentioned from the citizens, but shortly after, the small community settled down on a name, [Joram]. All began to say this name, that it made Vlad curious to find who he was.

"Ohh, who could this Joram be? Please step forward."

The innkeeper had an awkward face from the backside of the crowd, but he raised his hand, stepping forward, arriving in front of Vlad and doing a respectful bow.

"It is your innkeeper. Joram, right?"

"That's me, Your Highness." replied the innkeeper as he was still bowing.

Vlad signalled for him to raise up before turning his gaze at the crowd, asking them again.

"Are you certain that this will be your future leader? Are you sure you will not be betrayed like how the nobles betrayed you?"

"We trust Lord Joram. He was the one keeping us together in the face of this nightmare." said one middle-aged citizen, precisely the one Vlad met at the tavern.

"Hah, I see. Good for you guys. Have you heard of Joram? Are you ready to take the title of Governor or Grailline? Well, you can change the name to whatever you wish to be called, so you no longer have a past with the noble house which ceased to exist on this land."

"Your Highness, as long as I can help my family. I don't care if I don't even sleep. I was just an adolescent when everything turned worse for this city. However, I also saw and experienced the liveliness of the city at its peak."

Nodding his head with a small smile, he looked at Joram while his eyes shined in a crimson color, and on his body, a crown along with a royal mantle, followed by a sceptre was morphed using his blood, which shocked everyone inside the meeting room, even Kaia who watched from the side from where she was standing.

Looking at Joram with his crimson eyes while the invisible aura around him made all the citizens of Grailline have their skin get goosebumps, gulping their saliva, they heard him saying with a dignified voice while moving the crimson sceptre full of life-like ornaments.

"I, Vermilion Zagreus Vlad, Prince of Kaysang and Co-Ruler of the Kingdom of Kaysang, with the power invested on me by the crown and the people I serve, by my rights as future Monarch, I appoint, Joram, as Governor of the Grailline Region. His administrative power will last until the contract he signs expires or in the situation, enough petitions are gathered to signal the cancelling off his administrative rights."


Joram gulped down when hearing for the first time in his life such a ceremony, especially him being the one the attention was placed upon, and when the sceptre touched his shoulder, he immediately got on one knee when bowing to Vlad, where only one word came to his mouth in all this tense moment.

"I swear to serve my brothers."

"Good, the investment is over. You will receive some of my bureaucrats to help you settle the administrative side of managing a territory and city, along with the contract you will have to sign. Everyone, the meeting is over. If you wish to visit the castle floors, you are my guests. The servants of the castle will be more than welcome to assist you. Ahh, yes, the last problem before you leave.

This castle will become the Place of Administration for Governors and future governors of this region.

Now, Joram, follow me. I still have something to tell you. Robert, Aerius, go entertain my mermaid guest until I return."



[A/N: We get to some juicy parts. Future arc? Fishman? Things are bound to be interesting in the future chapters]



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