The Status System: Revelations

"Tarren, huh," Cypher spoke as he glanced over the pouch the items were held in. "Tarren gave you a gift?" Cypher glanced up at his father, who seemed to be laughing at his own words; Cypher choose to ignore him and open the package, but as he did, a knock from the door took the attention of everyone in the room; Arena stood and told both of them that should take care of it and left the dining room, Cypher glanced down at the opened pouch and decided to pull one of the cars out. The one he selected was jet back all around except a lining of gold around the rectangle. Cypher thought he didn't have much need for questing what to do with this item; instead, he had a question of what its purpose was. His mother's return halted his thought, and behind her, the sight of a man taller than anyone he'd ever seen in his life, "Oh, you decided to come early too."

The arena looked to be heavily uncomfortable next to the man, and decided to walk back to her set without offering any words; Cypher studied the man appeared, and all he could feel was a sensation of overwhelming power leaking from the man; he was dressed in a bright golden clock similar to his fathers and Martyr, though unlike them his didn't even come close to touching the ground. "Am I unwanted?" The man's voice could be described as nothing but deep; there was little to it other than its base.

Cypher's father seemed much more happy in this man's presents, unlike Martyr's, "Sit down, Cypher was just opening your gift." Internally, Cypher's eyes widened, but externally his expression didn't change; he stared up at the man. As he sat down, Crow only showed a large smile, "It's been a while, Tarren." The man took a deep breath as he sat as if the action tired him. "Yeah, though I can't say I was busy during that time." Crow seemed genuinely surprised with the man's words to the point where his face showed his emotions, "How so?" Tarren looked at Cypher's father and showed his teeth in an artificial snarl. "I've progressed in nothing." Cypher's father stared at Tarren as he spoke as if to show that he was paying attention to every word that left his mouth. "What is there left for you to progress?" Tarren seemed to shake his head and only then pay attention to Cypher; Tarren looked into Cypher eyes if studying him and then looked down at his hands which held his gifts. "Those should help with the voice," Tarren's words molded Cypher's face to show all the shock he was feeling, "Your father and I, as well as most of our legion, experienced the same problems."

This time Crow spoke without any room for Cypher even to give a white lie in response, "You experienced the percent of your stain, and you weren't going to tell me?" The held anger in his voice worried Cypher that he might end up worse off if he didn't offer the truth. "I was going to tell you; I was just never planning on letting you help," Cypher spoke without much emotion in his voice, and Tarren said again before his father could. "You should play with recoils either, I had my fair share of them though none of mine were ever as bad," Cypher once again felt his mothers and fathers frustration pointed at him, so Cypher did the only thing he knew how when it came to diverse situations like these. "What is a stain?" Cypher's question seemed to work, at least for his mother, who didn't seem too knowledgeable about the topic, though it only seemed to calm his father. "It depends if your lucky or not; all I've encountered except for one had been a reason to commit suicide." Cypher carelessly swallowed his spit with no emotion held towards Tarren's words, and it seemed his father exaggerated the non-existent emotion Cypher felt and spoke on his misunderstandings.

"I think that's enough for now, Cypher; take your shower and come back when you're ready. Tarren's not leaving as soon as Martyr." Cypher watched as Tarren's face seemed to show disgust at the name of Martyr; regardless, Cypher stood and began making his way up towards the stairs. "Remember, Sara's gift." Cypher stopped in his tracks and turned to grab one of the pills he was given from the medicine case. Cypher glanced at his father to see if he'd need more than one; his father's silence gave him his answer, so he then turned and moved back up the stairs towards the showers."Why did you send him away? He wasn't frightened." Crow seemed suspicious of Tarren's words and how true they were. "I believe he was." Tarren looked at his father and calmly spoke, "He wasn't, and you should have told him how those things work." Crow's eyes widened as he remembered the risks of Sara's medicine.

The sounds of the water striking the wall were interrupted when Cypher stepped in; the sensitivity of his wounds removed whatever conformer the show gave him, and the pill currently dissolving in his stomach acid made him feel an order of magnitude worse. He groaned in pain for one of the first times in his life as his medicine continued and the pain worsened; Cypher hurried and cleaned himself training his best to ignore the feeling; he reached for the knob to turn off the water, that was until healing gel started to form all over his body and showed no signs of stopping. Cypher raised his head and felt like cursing his father for not telling him how the medicine operated, and the only thing that stopped him is the fact that he didn't ask. Regardless, his mind was cleared from those thoughts now that he was forced to stay put until the medicine had run its course and the gel had stopped forming. Cypher sat down in the shower and threw his head back against the wall; the pain from it didn't help distract from its primary source; regardless, Cypher stayed like this, trying his best to regain his composer.

The smell of decaying flash-stained his nose and pulled his eyes open; when his vision returned to his, he saw himself standing in front of the solid red pillow though his distance from it changed every time he tried to adjust his eyes, "It's a poison." The voice rang in his ears like the aftermath of an explosion, though his senses remained intact. Cypher awoke hours later to the sound of knocking at the door and stood up as fast as he could when he realized he had fallen asleep in the shower; he tried to speak, but the blood that rushed through his body from the sudden movement dazed him to the point that he held onto whatever he could as to not fall. When he composed himself enough, he spoke. "Yes." The voice of his mother came through the door and distorted because of the sound of the running water hitting him directly on the top of his head, "Are you alright?" Cypher tried to take a deep breath, but the running water shot straight up his nose, causing him to choke on his response; he held in the couches as best he could and waited until they passed before he offered up his response, "Yes, I'm fine. I'm still waiting for the healing gel to finish its course." Cypher looked down at his body to see if his words were actual, and sadly they were; the gel was still pouring off of him through the amount in switch it was doing so had stiffened. "Only a little more to go," Cypher whispered to himself as he sat on the edge of the tub's lining. "Oh, alright then." Cypher takes a deep breath and tries to completely clear his mind, refusing to let any of his thoughts become stalled and forgotten. Arena walked away from the bathroom door with worry and concern for her son still plastered over her face. She walks back into the kitchen where a conversion between Tarren and her husband Crow, "So you caused his recoil." Tarren's words spawned anger with Arena's core. "What are you talking about? I had nothing to do with his development. He's his person; he chose that for himself when he decided to challenge me."

"So you thought it would be a good idea to let loose a child with a loaded gun," Arena took Cypher's set and starred at Tarren as he continued. "From what you've told me, he's not even training the advancements he should be." Crow's eyes squinted as he spoke. "What are you talking about, he told me where his exaltation lay, and he's focused on his attack and status advancements." Tarren just shook his head with disappointment for his friend's shortcomings. "This is why I told you to walk with me instead of her," Tarren's words now brought the anger Arena felt onto her face, though her fear for Tarren kept her mouth shut. "Remember why I placed emotions next to the advancements; it wasn't for flare," Tarren reached for the fruit sitting in the middle of the table, pulling for it a single pear.

"I told you before, they matter. Cypher is meant for enchantment and status, and the fact you can't see that even after hearing his story confuses me. He has no rage in him; he just isn't meant to focus on his attack advancement; just looking at the boy, I can easily tell he'd be multiple times as powerful if he'd just trained his enchantment anywhere near as much as he trained his attack advancement," Tarren glared at Arena as he took a bite of his fruit. "You should be ashamed; Cypher didn't even need his father to train him; you were the primary reason for his shortcomings."