Chapter 2

I was mesmerized by the boy standing in the front of the class.

Mrs.Min: Go sit next to Park Yuri... Yuri raise your hand, please?

I raise my hand and Sean walks to the chair beside me and sits down.

I turn to him and show my hand...

Sean: What is this for?

Yuri: Hi, I am Yuri... Nice to meet you!

Sean: I know... my mom just announced your name...

Yuri: Awww... Why so cold?

Sean: I don't like meeting new people.

I don't understand how he could say everything with such a straight face.

Ugh, I get goosebumps for every sentence he's bothering.

Yuri: But it's good to meet new people... and plus you are new here, you need friends...

Sean: I don't need friends, all I want is to graduate.

Yuri: Don't you ever feel bored?

Sean: Why do I need to feel bored? It's not like I don't know anyone...I know you.

Yuri: How do you know me? Are you a stalker?

Sean: No... You just told me your name earlier and my mom mentioned your name too.

My cheeks go red because of embarrassment.

Yuri: Oh right... hehe sorry.

He smiles at me and turns to the board

**Time Skip***

Yuri: *sigh* Another class...Over...

Jayden: I forgot how you looked, bro!

Sean: Ha ha very funny...

Jayden and Sean bro hugged.

I look at them with astonished eyes.

Yuri: I thought you didn't know anyone from this school!

Jayden: Do you not remember him? He lived in Busan with us for 1 year in elementary school!

Sean: Yep, then I moved to Daegu... But we were still in touch.

I facepalm myself.

Yuri: OMG how could I forget... You were the guy with long bangs and you kept on wearing a fedora hat with a huge feather.

Sean: Ooh you remember!?

Yuri: How can I not? The feather always bothered me cause it would always move back and forth.

Jayden: I agree... it was distracting.

We all walk out of class and meet up with Stephanie.

Stephanie: Woah... Who is this hotty?

Sean: My name is Min Sean...

Stephanie: Wait... Min Sean?...THE Min Sean?

Sean: You finally remember.

Stephanie: Of course... Do you still have your fedora?

Sean: I don't know... maybe it's somewhere in one of my boxes.

Stephanie: Ooh maybe we can come over and help you unpack.

I frown...

Yuri: I won't be able to come... you guys have fun.

Jayden: Are you going again?

Yuri: I have to... I need to tell him about my first day of school.

Sean: Where are you going?

Jayden: She is going to Jake after school...

Sean: Ooh who is this Jake guy? Your boyfriend...?

Yuri: No he is my brother.

He makes an O with his mouth and we enter the gym.

Mrs.Sa: Ok students, hurry up and get changed into your gym clothes and meet me at the running track in 15 minutes.

Everyone: Ok ma'am!...

Stephanie and I walk to the locker room.

Stephanie: The thing I will not miss the most are these PE clothes.

Yuri: Amen...

We finish getting dressed and walk to the track.

Mrs.Sa: Everyone... we will start the period with 2 laps!

Jayden: MA'AM! You call 2 laps a warm-up?

Mrs.Sa: Oh really?... well then... because Jayden thinks 2 laps are too little... How about 4 laps Jayden?

Jayden: MA'AM!...

Mrs.Sa: You better get started if you want to be done on time as everyone else.

Yuri: Haha you put this on yourself...

Jayden lazily walks to the start of the track and slowly starts to jog.

Mrs.Sa: Now I am going to act like I am saying some important speech on why PE is so important this year and watch Jayden run 4 laps.

**Time Skip**

Jayden finished his 4 laps and he is now all sweaty and exhausted.

Mrs.Sa: And that kids is why 4th-year gym class is so important.


Mrs.Sa: Ok class let's go to the gym now...

Jayden: What! Are they not going to run?

Mrs.Sa: We don't have any time for any warm-ups...

Jayden: Then why did you make me run! Ugh, waste of my energy!

Stephanie: At least you will be fit... it's not a total waste...

Mrs.Sa: Jayden! Did you learn your lesson?!

Jayden: Yes ma'am, I will always agree to everything you say.

Mrs.Sa: Good...

**Time Skip**

School is over, and I walk to the cemetery to where my brother is.

I sit down in front of him and talk about my day.

Yuri: Omg and then Min Sean came to our school... Do you remember him?

I just sit there, waiting for my brother to answer.

I talk to my brother a little bit more and see a shadow above me.

I lift my head and see Min Sean.

Sean: Why are you talking to yourself?

I wipe my tears away and stand up.

Yuri: I was talking to my brother...

Sean: Oh sorry, I didn't know Jake passed away.

Yuri: It is fine, anyways why are you here? Are you stalking me?

Sean: No... I live around here and I saw you while I was walking home.

Yuri: Oh I see... Anyways, I am done here... and I have to go that way. So see you tomorrow.

Sean: Let me walk with you...

We both walk together to my house and on the way there I see a group of guys in black walking around us

Yuri: This is so weird... why are there so many guys in black? Is it a special day?

Sean: I don't know... but let's walk fast... cause these people look sketchy.

We speed walk past the crowd of men in black and Sean drops me at my house.

**Time Skip to a few months later**

It's a Sunday, and I have decided to go to the cafe for some coffee because my coffee maker broke.

While I am walking there, I see the men in black again, but this time, they were very close to me.

I think one of them was a few feet behind me, which was very alarming.

So I took my phone out and pretended to talk to someone. And in my other hand, I had a taser and a sharp object.

I walk a few more blocks and someone grabs my shoulder.

I turn around and tase the guy behind me in the gut.

??: AHH

Yuri: Omg Sean!

I see Sean on the floor clutching his stomach.

Sean: Bro wtf!?