Chapter 15

I run into the bunker and see my dad on the couch with blood all over him and white cloth tied around his left thigh.

Kara comes out of the bathroom with a wet rag

Yuri: What happened?!

Kara: Shh...he showed up to the house like this, and a metal shard lodged in his left thigh. He lost a lot of blood, but we had extra in the basement. He is fine now and is resting

I let out a big sigh

Yuri: How do you know all this stuff

Kara: Remember, I am an on-field trauma doctor. I don't need much equipment for this type of injury. And we have backs of blood in the basement for this type of emergency.

I suddenly hugged her, which startled her because she dropped the rag on my dad's face.

My dad flinches and opens his eyes

Yuri: DAD! How are you feeling

Yuri's Dad: I am fine...when did you arrive?

Yuri: A few minutes ago

My dad tried to sit up but couldn't

Yuri: No, lay down and get some rest...I will make you your favorite chicken soup.

Yuri's dad: I haven't had some good soup since your mom passed away...I would love some now.

Yuri: Coming right up.

I finish making my dad some soup and bring it to him

Yuri: Dad... Get up, your soup is ready

He doesn't respond, so I put the soup down and shake him

Yuri: Dad! Get up

He doesn't open his eyes

I shake him even more and start to cry

Yuri: Kara!

She comes running down

Kara: What happened

Yuri: My dad is not waking up!

Kara opens up the bandage around my dad's thigh

Kara: There is too much blood loss

Yuri: I am calling 911

Kara: No, it's too dangerous...We need to take him to the headquarters

Kara brings a wheelchair, and we put him in it

She drives us to the headquarters

Kara: Christopher! We need a gurney stat

Christopher runs with a gurney

Christopher: Who is he?!

Yuri: My dad!

We put him on the gurney and take him inside

Kara stops because he doesn't seem to look like he is breathing

Yuri: Why are you guys not moving

Kara turned to me

Yuri: What is going on... move him! He needs treatment!

I knew why they were not moving, I didn't want to believe it

I was in denial

Kara takes a deep breath

Kara: Yuri...

Yuri: No, he is not! He was fine an hour ago!

I break down and start to cry

Yuri: He is the only family I have left

I hug him and sob loudly

Kara came to me and wrapped her hands around me

Kara: You need to let go...

I sob even louder

Jayden runs over and sees my dad on the gurney

Jayden: What happened to Uncle?

I turn to Jayden and run to him

Yuri: died!

I hug him, and he looks at Kara

Jayden: How..?

Kara: His leg got shot, and an artery blew...I thought I patched it up, but there was too much blood loss

Kara looks at me and holds my hand

Kara: I am sorry, I couldn't save him

I wipe my eyes and calm down

Yuri: It's okay. You did the best you could. This is the horror of my life. I don't know what will happen or when something will happen. Now I have no one...I will have to adjust to that.

Stephanie: Is everything okay?

Yuri: Yeah, my dad just died... let's go burry him now

Jayden: Yuri...

Yuri: My dad is dead, and the next thing to do is bury him. Is there a problem?!

Sean: Okay... Yuri, let's bury him

We go to the cemetery and have the funeral.


It has been a week since the funeral

Jayden: Has she eaten anything?

Isabelle: I tried, but she wouldn't even look at me

Timothy: Let me give it a try

Timothy walks to my room with a bowl of tangerines

He knocks on my door

Yuri: Come in

Timothy: Hey...

He puts the bowl on her lap and gets on the bed

Yuri: What is this

Timothy: A bowl of tangerines, and I am not going to leave without you finishing it

Yuri: Tim...I don't feel like eating anything

Timothy: You have been cooped up in your room and haven't eaten much in days. At least eat fruit...Yoongi peeled them himself.

I look at him and back at the bowl. I grab it and eat them with a small smile

We didn't say anything to each other while I was eating the oranges.

But the feeling of not being alone is so nice

Yuri: Hey Tim, thanks for sitting with me and keeping me company

Timothy: No problem, I am always here to sit with you and keep you company

Yuri: I think I still need some time to adjust to my new life as an orphan

I get off the bed and grab a towel

Timothy: You know, you are not an orphan

Yuri: My mom is dead, my dad is dead, and my brother is dead... I am an orphan

I say while walking into my bathroom... and close the door

Timothy: I need to do something about this

*Timothy's POV*

He walks out of the bedroom downstairs

Jayden: Did she eat it?

Timothy: Yeah, after I told her Sean peeled it. But she is in a bad place, and she needs help.

Everyone looks at each other

Isabelle: I think you guys know what we have to do

They all nod, and Stephanie goes out to make a phone call

Jayden: What is she doing right now?

Timothy: She is taking a shower

Kara: Sean, go wait in her room for her... and we will do the rest

Sean: Why me?

Kara: I feel you are the only person she will listen to.

Sean: Okay...

*Yuri's POV*

I get out of the shower and walk out of the room

I see Sean on my bed while reading a book

Yuri: What are you doing in my room?

Sean closes the book and sighs

He gets off the bed and walks towards the door

Sean: Come on...

Yuri: Where are we going

He smiles and opens the door

Sean: Trust me, you will feel better

We walk downstairs and out the front door

Yuri: Oh, please tell me that we are not having a training session, I just took a shower

Sean hands me some boxing gloves

Sean: Put these on, and let's go

We walk to the basement, and he hangs up a punching bag

Sean: Now what I want you to do is start hitting...think of nothing else, punch

Yuri: umm..okay

I start to punch the punching bag lightly

Sean: No, no, you are not doing it right.. take a deep breath

I inhale and exhale

Sean: Now give it your hardest punch

I close my eyes and punch the bag as hard as I can

Sean: There you go, again

I punch it again, and again, and again

I let all my emotions take over, and tears started to form

Sean: Let all your emotions out, feel what you have to feel

I punch so hard that the bag starts to fly, and Sean catches it

Sean: Wow, I didn't know you had that much strength.

He looks at me and sees that my head is down

He comes over to me and kneels to my level

Sean: Let it all out

I drop to the ground and cry for a good minute

My somber turns into a rage

Yuri: I will find Mr.Cha and kill him with my own hands

Sean: You wanna keep going?

Sean stands up and holds out boxing gloves

I hold my arm out for him to assist me to get up

Yuri: Let's do this thing

I let my anger out by boxing for a couple of hours

Sean: I think that's enough...We have to get to work now