Chapter 1

One stormy day in the year 2017, the sun was non-existent and the flowers wilted on a daily basis. Like any other school day, the students came to Thriller Brook Middle School at 8:00 and sat in homeroom. Most chatted with their friends but some just did nothing and sat there with a stupid looks on their faces staring into space. Some people even slept during the first 2 hours of school, ignoring the obnoxious bell that rings every 40 minutes throughout the entire day. No one even cared to pay attention in class or or to any of the other activities they chose to do.

The only one who even cared enough to try was a girl with bright wide ocean blue eyes, dark wavy brown hair that was braided, bushy eye brows, a heart shaped face, pink lips and beautiful tan skin with a shine of perfection. Her outfit was a plaid red and black skirt with a white t-shirt underneath. She also wore a red blouse, black dress shoes with red tall socks, big black glasses that covered her eyes completely, and perfect purple braces covering the beautiful shine of white teeth that sparkle when she smiles.

Her name was Elena and she wasn't like the rest of the students. Unlike everyone else, Elena didn't involve herself with cliques and gossip. She was the only one who paid attention, got straight A's, and learned everything. She loved school and just wanted to keep going and going all the time and she never wanted a day off. Even if she did, she would still do work alone or with her 2 close friends named Louie and Sara.

Louie was a dark skinned boy with no hair, ugly, curvy, thick lips, thin brown eyes, a wide oval face, and a sparkle through his blue braces on his small teeth. He wore his usual geeky green glasses, a goofy dark blue shirt with a dog looking at a burrito, blue jeans with a brown belt and brand new black and white Converse. He was a kind, comical boy that everyone hated because of his cheesy jokes that he always told.

Sara was different from them with her dirty blonde straight hair, big wide blue puppy dog eyes that you can't resist, silver diamond earrings on her small ears, thin eye brows, pale white skin with high cheek bones, a circled wide face shape with tons of make-up and shiny white teeth with no braces or glasses. She was the prettiest out of the group and she was the most normal as well. Sara had an outfit that Elena always wanted but she said no because it wouldn't fit Elena due to her skinny but wide frame. Sara wore a flowered white see through shirt with a tank underneath, dark blue stylish shorts up to her fingertips, black and white sneakers, and like all girls, she had a nice purse to go with it. It had money and her phone inside.

Sara had a unique personality that people would find surprising but interesting by her looks. Her personality was normal but had a unique fun side that made her special. She got everything handed to her, like a princess and she never got picked on like Louie or Elena did.

"What's up Elena," Louie sang in a happy voice with a little shimmy of his shoulders. Louie always did that all the time when he was around his friends or just when he was around Elena. It was kind of their way to goof around and laugh.

"Nothing," Elena laughed. "So, did you do your homework?"

" Hmmm... let me think..."

"Let me guess... you did the extra work," Elena interrupted.

"Are you new? Of course I did," Louie yelled.

They were in home room and sitting in the chairs next to each other, laughing and giggling when Sara walked in.

"Sara, this is your 2nd day late. Where were you?" the teacher asked.

"Sorry I..."

"Well sorry isn't going to cut it," the teacher yelled.

"But I..."

"Sit down and we will talk about this later Sara," the teacher said with finality.

Sara growled in anger, rolling her eyes while she walked by her seat next to Louie and Elena.

"So whatcha guys talking about," Sara asked, trying to get her mind off of the obnoxious teacher sitting at her desk.

"Nothin' much, just homework," Elena said. "Did you do yours?"

"Yes," Sara said while looking through her JanSport book bag.

"Good because I know you never do it," Elena said.

"Don't worry. I did take a look," Sara said giving Louie her work.

"Good. You're a champ," Louie said.

"Ok Louie don't be weird," Sara said.

"Really? I'm weird? No one has ever told me that before," Louie asked in a sarcastic tone.

Suddenly, the class grew silent and the bell rang. It was time to start the day and you could hear the sad moans and groans of the zombies in a world of prison. It was ELA for Sara, Louie and Elena. They were in all the same classes aside from their electives. The most torturous subject yet which was the last of the day was History, where the students are learning about how nice and peaceful the 1700's were. The trio would soon find out, though, how far from the truth that really was.