Chapter 10

"No we don't, why are you even here,"Sarah yelled asking in an attitude.

"I'm here t see Elizabeth pass if you don't know and she will after I make these people evil including you,"The Dark Master said.

"Why, what will that do to make things better,"Sarah asked.

"Well since the 1700's I tried to take people down into my lair who are good and bad well because a while ago when I was a kid I was bullied in a way that made me grow darker, everyday I went to school and I was judged, picked on, teased. But that didn't stop me from being the most powerful demon. So, I made the first realm called The Darkness Realm while I needed recruits. So I forced people to join me and it worked. Elizabeth though was the easiest because when her sister died when I took her down, she felt like she was nothing so I wanted to help make her more powerful and more stronger so I took her in as family and gave her some of my power which she didn't know it would make her evil, and that's my story,"The Dark Master said.

"So why do you wear that mask why don't you just reveal yourself?"

"The mask helps me be unknown and I will never take it off!"

"Ok but let me ask you something. Why didn't you tried to turn Abigail evil?"

"Fine if you want me to I'll take off the mask! Why do you have to be so intimidating?"

As he took the mask off, Abigail saw as she stopped fighting and felt torn and upset as it was Jordan the message man. "The reason why I didn't hurt Abigail is because I loved her and it was hard to hurt her,"Jordan said.

"But then how did you..."

"Oh the time when you guys were at the school was a hologram buyt it wasn't like one of those things that you put your hand through and you can know it by a second, it's a robicgram where I'm a robot and a hologram. I made it so I can get in touched with you and know whats going on."

"Creative but now let's fight since I now know why you did all this."

"Wait, don't,"Abigail yelled as she stopped saying the spell.

"Ok why,"Sarah asked.

"I don't want you to because did you listen to his story its kind of upsetting so we can't kill him we need to help him and I think that's the pint of this ritual so we can all help other find peace and forgiveness. So Elizabeth I forgive you,"Abigail yelled.

"Yeah,I'm not buying it,Elizabeth said as she blasted a fire ball at them.

As she blasted the fire ball it hit directly at Sarah as she tried to block it. But as soon as it hit Anna tried to save her and got hit. She fell on the ground as she tried to throw another one but Louie started to say a spell that made things go weird and different then they were supposed to. He said the spell to put Anna back in her body and Elena back into hers so when she wakes up Elena will be safe and also Anna. It will reverse the fire spell Elizabeth put on her. Soon after Abigail told Sarah to fight the Dark Master and use his one weakness. Which was to use Abigail's magic of goodness that won't make him teleport him to the Darkness Realm but will try to make him good.

As Sarah used Abigail's powers she found out something about Abigail that she hasn't known before. Which was that she was an angle/which and that's why she felt hatred towards Elizabeth and it wasn't Jordan who got between them. She started to go in full combat mode where her eyes turned yellow and she began to fight with the white wings growing on her body. She used the power to do the new plan as said. Meanwhile Abigail tried to fight Elizabeth with the original powers she has as Elena and Anna awoke from the sleep. Elena walked in slow motion without her glasses and braces with her wavy brown hair into curls and her outfit looking fabulous in all black. She was using her power that Louie gave to her to try to kill both Jordan and Elizabeth. Anna helped too as they both tried to get Elizabeth for different reasons.

Soon as they got Elizabeth she fell down and Abigail used her goodness power to drain all the badness that was in her, only to know they had a bigger battle to face where this plan was going to work.

"Well you seemed to destroy Elizabeth but now you have to go to me. How nice,"the darkness master said.

"Yes and we are ready. Abigail teleport me,"yelled Anna.

"Oh wow, you are never going to beat me because I'm the most powerful,"Jordan said.

"Well will see about that, because Anna's down there right now using a spell to destroy the darkness realm as you will go and spend forever in a new realm to replace it called, The Spiritual Stone Realm,"Elena said.

"How dare she,"he yelled as he tried to move.

"Oh you can't because theirs a magical barrier around it,"Abigail said. "Louie,Sarah,Elena wanna do the honors with me?"

"Gladly," they said in unison.

They said the spell while Jordan fell apart into sand about to die for real. Soon it was done and Anna was back. Now and finally the ritual was done and finished forever. The three stood there hugging as Elizabeth joined them good again.

"Thank you guys fir taking the demon venom out of me. I couldn't stop and felt the rage to get that demon out and I'm sorry for the past 317 years, I have never meant for this to happen and I will make it up to you but I don't know how though,Elizabeth said.

"It's okay and I know how you can,"Anna said,

As they teleported to the school they presented their wild adventure and decided to pick a couple of students who will help with these rituals to earn the prize of peace and forgiveness. Also, to visit the new memorial called, The Great Ritual Of Peace. And that's how it came to be with two witches, an angle, a wizard and a demon set free and able to stay alive forever as long as they want it to be as a group and as friends with special abilities. That;s the end of it all.