Elements, Matter, Energy and Siddhaantas

With the help of Maaya's Contracted Elementals, Karna delivered a message to the Whole Heung Gong Island.

"Good afternoon everyone! My name is Karna. I am the Deputy Leader of the infamous Heaven's Judgement responsible for annihilating the Primary Naval Unit of the Albion East India Company of the United Bryten Empire.

I am here to liberate Heung Gong from the evil clutches of the United Bryten Empire.

This is also an official declaration of war against the Imperial Alliance by the Heaven's Judgement.

I would also like to announce that any Nation, Kingdom, Empire or Alliance that seeks to dominate, subjugate or conquer others will meet the same fate as the Albion East India Company and the Imperial alliance of the Dai Oda Empire and the United Bryten Empire.

Citizens of Heung Gong will not be harmed. Anyone who surrenders will not be harmed.

As for the rest… you will receive Heaven's Judgement!"

With those words, Karna ended his announcement.

Everyone was shocked since a Powerful Elemental representing the infamous "Heaven's Judgement" had just made a very atypical announcement.

People thought it was him who used the Wind Element to make the announcement, a misunderstanding that will continue for a few days and benefit Karna.

While the original citizens of Heung Gong cheered the soldiers of the United Bryten Empire were terrified. Although both factions had heard the name Heaven's Judgement, who was the only Military outfit to win against the Albion East India Company's mighty Naval fleet, they did not know that Karna alone had subdued them. So they were skeptical.

They were skeptical as well. To them, a single Elemental, howsoever powerful, can not stand the might of one of the Military divisions of the United Bryten Empire. Logically speaking that was true for any human Elementalist.

However, what they did not know or could ever guess, was the fact that Karna was not human! He was the Son of a Human with the Sun Deity Aditya. He is also the Grandson of Aditi one of the Primary the Progenitor of Celestial Beings. She reincarnated Karna here and had trained him.

Except Aditi, there was no Elemental as powerful as Karna. And there was no force that Karna couldn't wipe out in seconds. Things became complicated because Karna was determined to save innocents as much as possible, not only in the ally's faction but those in the enemy factions as well.

If not for this, his Sun's True Fire, with a temperature reaching 27 million Fahrenheit could not only wipe out the Heung Gong Island but the surrounding Ocean as well. He is just that powerful. He is the Son of Sun deity after all! How could mortals even compare to him?

This planet 'Mahi' was more like his initial training Ground for the real battles to come. And for that, Karna needed to create an army for himself, who were at least capable of protecting themselves and protecting the denizens of planet 'Mahi' in the absence of Karna when the fight against the real enemies started.

Karna knew, he would need all the help he could when that time comes. He did not know what kind of enemies he has to face in the future, he just knew that even Aditi, the Progenitor of the Celestial Beings, took this issue seriously, so much so that she took the trouble to reincarnate Karna here and train him.

There was a reason for doing this.

The Supreme World is made up of Elements and is follows certain principles so that it could sustain life.

Apart from Elementalists, there were people who used these principals of the world which are called 'Siddhaantas'. These Siddhaantas are related to nature.

The elements are representation of the Nature of the World. For example, Earth, Water and Wind (sometimes also called Air) represent the 3 states of matter - Solid, Liquid & Gas.

But unlike Earth, Wind and Water, Fire is not Matter. Hence, it can't be a state of matter.

Scientifically, Fire is the visual effect produced when something burns. It is not a state of matter but combination of heat and light energies. That is why Fire is special.

Fire actually represented transformation. Fire could transform Solid into Liquid and Liquid into Gas! And if you take out the heat the process can be reversed.

That is why Fire is held in such high regards. It is an Orthodox element with an ability to change the nature of other orthodox and unorthodox elements.

And Karna possessed that powerful Element. In addition, his Fire was the Supreme of all Fires. It was the Sun's True Fire.

Lightning on the other hand, is an Element of Nature which represents the 4th state of matter called Plasma, as well as Energy! Most people only know about the 3 states of matter; however, it is the 4th state Plasma which forms the 99% of the Universe!

Plasma was only discovered a few decades ago by Villium Crookes of the Kanatian Nation in the Amerigo Continent.

On the other hand, the 'Siddhaantas' are representations of the Principles and Laws by which the nature and hence the Elements of the World are governed. The Primary Siddhaantas always occur in pairs. That is, they have a dual nature. Such Pairs tend to complement or supplement each other.

Some of the major Siddhaantas are –

Shrijan-Pralay (Creation & Annihilation),

Asti-Shoonya ( Existence & Nothingness)

Kram-Vyatikram (Order & Chaos)

Nar-Naari (Male & Female also called Yin & Yang)

Vyom-Kaal (Space & Time)

Shabd-Nishabda (Sound & Silence)

Jeevan-Maran (Life & Death)

Divas-Ratri (Day & Night)

Prakaash-Andhkaar (Light & Shadow also called Bright & Dark, Radiance & Absence)

Sattva & Tamas (Blessed & Cursed also called Holy & Unholy)

Sura & Asura (Divine & Demonic)

and many others.

These Elementary 'Siddhaantas' can produce Hybrid and cross Hybrid Secondary 'Siddhaantas'.

Even the as the Progenitor Aditi and her children the 'Suras' (Celestial Beings) couldn't directly get involved, since they were bound by the Siddhaanta (Principle / Law) of Samtaa (Balance / Parity) and the Siddhaanta of Kram (Order).

They could only intervene if there was significant Imbalance or Chaos in the Mortal Realm.

'Asuras' (Demon like entities) on the other hand followed the Siddhaanta (Principle / Law) of Vishamtaa (Imbalance) and the Siddhaanta of Vaytikram (Chaos).

That is why existence of Beings like Karna was important. He was neither Human nor 'Sura' (Celestial). He was a Demi-Deity. And hence he could intervene.

However, even if he went against the Siddhaanta that he is bound by, and ended up creating Imbalance or Disorder, there was a possibility that Seed of the World will try course correction in and on itself.

This was a good thing for Karna, since he too, did not want to go against the natural order and he was grateful for it, since it meant even his own Grandmother could not force him to kill people or go against the Siddhaantas of Nature.


Chapter End.