Chapter 1

Today is the last week of summer and to be honest, I can't wait to go back to school.

Shocking right? Well, my life isn't as pretty as it looks.

Here lemme show you.


Ye-Jin's Dad: why can't you be more perfect

Ye-Jin: But father, it's just an-

Ye-Jin's Dad: don't talk back to me, you ungrateful person! 90% is a failure in this house! If you don't get your grades up in the next test, I will kick you out of the house as I did to your brother!

Ye-Jin: yes father

*Ye-Jin's dad leaves*

This is my horrible and miserable life.

My brother got kicked out of the house, my mom is too scared to stand up to my father

and my father, he wants two perfect students so his pride will be high.

My brother got kicked out, so he wants his perfect princess to become a doctor and bring honor to the family.

The only normal thing in my life is school because this school holds one of my biggest secrets.



