Chapter 3

Michelle: And me! I am lucky in all of his classes!

That is Michelle, Jason's girlfriend. Before Michelle came into his life, he would always hang out with me and we were actually closer as friends than Sylvie and I.

Everyone except Jason: Ugh.. here she comes...

Michelle: Hi baby... did you miss me?

Jason: Hi babe... these three months have been so boring without you *they kiss*

Everyone except Jason: Yuck

Ye-Jin: Nasty…

I couldn't take it anymore, so I left and what was ironic is that no one noticed I left because their eyes were on the new power couple go high school.

Thomas: Hey guys, where's Ye-Jin?

Joey: Idk, maybe she went to her locker or her class.

Jason: Huh... that's weird, she didn't even say hi.

Everyone except Jason, sarcastically: I wonder why?

*in class*

I would always sit next to Jason in middle school, cause we were inseparable, even Joey had a big talk with Jason about not hurting me or Joey would chop Jason's head off. But now, I had to sit next to Chris because Michelle sat next to him. But I am not complaining because Chris and I have been good friends since kindergarten. But then one day he transferred out of school and moved to the states. Because he left I would stay at Sylvie's house a lot so I got close to Jason it's just that Michelle and I have never been on the same path with each other, and she was always jealous when I would hang out with Jason or when we would be touchy in class. UGH... I can't stand her one bit! But now I can maybe try to make Jason jealous by talking to other guys other than him.

Chris: Hey Ye-Jin long time no see...

Ye-Jin: Yep, when did you come back from the states?

Chris: I came back in the summer, and now I'm here to stay for good!

Ye-Jin: That's good, I really missed you last year. I thought I had to go to high school without my best bud!

I said while lightly punching his chest

Chris: Aww, it's ok, I'm back and for good now!

He said while pinching my cheeks.

I look in my peripheral vision and I see jungkook with a very strong gaze.

But I acted like it didn't bother me so I turned my head, looked back at the board.

Ms.Kim: Ye-Jin, can you come to assist me for a second?

Ye-Jin: Yes Ms.Kim, how can I assist you?

Ms.Kim: Can bring everyone's notebook to my office? You can pick another student to assist you.

Jason was about to stand up, thinking that I would pick him.

Ye-Jin: I pick... Jordan!

Jordan: M-me?...

Ye-Jin: Yes you, come on I don't want to create a bad impression on my first day!

Jordan: Coming, coming...

Jordan and I were together for a short period last year. We thought it would work out but in the end, it didn't. We are still really good friends and now he is like a brother to me. He has such a big crush on me that he told me that he will wait for me until I have feelings for him again so he is an easy bait. I kinda feel bad for using him but I'm going to make sure I don't hurt him too much. And I also think that he is a bit scared of me too because I used to 'bully' him when we were little.

*Jason pov*

Wth is wrong with this girl! She usually can't go on with her day without even talking to me and now she isn't even looking at him. I think she hit her head or something. And now Chris is back, that means she is gonna spend more time with him than me! This freak in sucks! I just wanna go up to her and hug her so tight but I can't because of Michelle, she would hurt Ye-Jin and I don't want anything to happen to her.

Michelle: Babe, what are you thinking about, you're just staring at the board. Were you thinking about me??

Jason: Oh nothing, I was just zoning out.

He gives her a fake smile.

Jason: Imma go to the washroom real quick.

Michelle: Oh ok, don't be gone for too long, you know I can't stay alone for a long time without you.

*Jason leaves*

Omg, Michelle drives me crazy! The only reason I am dating her is because my hyung's said that dating other people can make me realize my ideal type.

But they thought that I would ask out Ye-Jin, but instead, I asked out Michelle because she was already sticking by my side like glue.

But something my things don't know is that I already know my ideal type...

Its Ye-Jin...

*Michelle POV*

Michelle: That witch Ye-Jin is getting in the way of my relationship again. I have had it with her. I need to make her permanently leave Jason's life permanently.

Something she didn't know is that Sylvie walked in right at that moment to give something to Jason. She was standing right behind Michelle recording the entire thing she said.

She didn't want to look suspicious so she put her phone back in her pocket and approached Michelle.

Sylvie: Hey Michelle, where is my brother, his math book was somehow in my backpack.

Michelle: Oh, he went to the restroom. give it to me, I'll give it to him when he comes back

Sylvie: Thanks...

Michelle: Now leave, you're going to bring my popularity down.

Michelle said that while looking at her pocket mirror and shooed her away.

Sylvie: *in English* What a witch

Michelle: Did you say anything?

Sylvie: Oh no nothing, I was just about to leave.

With that said Sylvie left.