Chapter 5

I look to where the yelling was coming from

Once I saw who was there I was so relieved and unconsciously smiled

Ye-Jin: Jason…

Joey: Didn't you here? He told you guys to get you stanky ass hands off my sister!

Jackson: Oh look who is actually standing up to you... little nerdy Jeon Jason! You are finally not standing behind your hyungs!

*Jason's pov*

When I heard Joey yelling Ye-Jin's name through the phone, I knew something bad was happening.

Austin: Bro, what happened, is Ye-jin ok?

Joey: We need to go, Jackson is doing something bad to my sister!

At that moment, I didn't think about my surroundings, all I could think about is saving the girl of my dreams.

I ran out of the house, not waiting for the others.

When I got to the park I saw something I never want to see again, some guy other than me is touching, Ye-jin. at that moment I wanted to beat them up until they can't even stand up.

Jason: Hands off her!

*Ye-Jin's pov*

Everything happened in a flash

All I could see was Jason throwing punches at JB and Jason throwing punches at Jackson. and everyone just started punching and kicking each other.

Once the fight was over and the police came to arrest them, I ran to Jason and gave him a big hug and he returned the hug back.

Ye-Jin, crying: Thank you Jason, thank you so much for saving me…

Jason: It's ok, you are safe, everything will be fine now. don't cry.

After I broke the hug with Jason, Joey was holding my phone and raising his arms out for a hug.

I was running into his arms crying and he returned the hug very tightly.

Ye-Jin: Joey... I was so scared, I thought I wouldn't be saved…

Joey: I'm here baby sis, I'm here, nothing will ever happen to you…

I hug him tighter and I started sobbing even more.

Joey: It's ok, it's ok everything is ok now. I will protect you from now on.

Ye-Jin: ok, thank you, now let's go back to the loft, I don't want to be here…

With that, we all went back to the loft.

*Flashback over*

Since then she has never trusted a guy at our school except for the guys in the bangtan house. Even if she needs to go out at night, she would always ask one of us to come with her or Joey would take her. And at school, she would never go anywhere alone in the school because Jackson and his gang were still attending the school. I would always go anywhere with her because we were in the same grade and we were in the same class together.

Speaking of school, I should get back to class before the lesson starts.

Right as I entered Mrs.Kim started taking attendance.

Mrs.Kim: Mr. Jeon! If you don't sit in your seat by the time I get to your name or else I will mark you absent.

With that said, I ran to my seat.

Mrs.Kim, sarcastically: Wow Jeon Jason, you are a fast runner.

The entire class started laughing.

I look at Ye-Jin, and she has her head tilted down chuckling a bit.

Jason: Thanks ma'am, I am quite the athlete.

Mrs.Kim: Anyways, let us move on with the class.


I was walking back from the teacher's office with Jordan, suddenly he asked me a question.

Jordan: Ye-Jin, when are you going ask Jason out.

Ye-Jin: Idk, I can't believe he isn't getting affected when I'm dating all these guys.

Jordan: Wait does that mean that you dated me to get Jason's attention?

Ye-Jin: Oh no, I genuinely thought that we could work. I didn't want to use or hurt you in anyway. Unfortunately, it didn't work between us. And can I be very honest with you?

Jordan: Yeah, of course.

Ye-Jin: You deserve some one way better than me. Someone who will take care of you and love you so much and make you feel like you are the most special person in the world. And I'm very sorry I couldn't do all that stuff for you. I'm sorry I couldn't make you feel special and I'm sorry I could take care of you and most of all I'm sorry I couldn't love you.

Jordan: Ye-Jin, it's totally fine, it was a year ago. And I knew all along that you love Jason. Come on Jinnie, I've known you the longest. I can see right through you.

Ye-Jin: Aww Jordan, you are one of the sweetest little human being ever!

Jordan: HEY, I'm not small! I'm literally 6 inches taller than you!

Ye-Jin: Yeah, but you smaller than the other guys.

*enter the class*

Jordan: You are so mean, just a minute ago, you were saying so many nice and heartfelt words.

Ye-Jin: hehe that's mee!

The teacher entered and started taking attendance.

??: Oh sorry ma'am I went to the washroom.

I looked up and it was Jason.

Chris: Hey, Ye-Jin why are you smiling so much.

I snapped out of my Jason trans and I looked at Chris.

Ye-Jin: Huh? Oh sorry, I just got distracted by... um...uh-

Chris: Jason?

Ye-Jin: It's that obvious huh?

Chris: Dude, are you serious, I knew you liked him the week we met and you are so obvious when you talk to him or even you look at him.

Ye-Jin: Oh...really? Haha, I didn't even know I was that obvious.

Just then I see Jason run like lightning to his seat and Mrs. Kim makes a joke on him. I lean my head down and start laughing because of his cockiness. I turn around to look at him and I see him staring right back at me. I got startled and turned back to the board and I pay attention to the lesson.


Sylvie: Hey girlie, how was math?

Ye-Jin: It was so boring, I literally thought I would fall asleep. Oh yeah, Chris is back too. For good!

Sylvie: Oh, that's good.

Ye-Jin: Why, what's wrong, you've had a crush on him for a long time. And now he is back!

Sylvie: Yeah, but that was years ago, I've moved on girl.

Ye-Jin: Really? Who?

Sylvie: Don't be mad, I will only date this person only if I get your permission to.

Ye-Jin: You will always have my permission to date anyone, who is it?

Sylvie:'s... Joey

Ye-Jin: oh...