Chapter 11

** Jason's POV**

We were returning backstage and from the corner of my eye, I can see Ye-jin sitting on the stairs backstage massaging her ankle. I was about to go to her and help her out.

But by the time I got there, Chris approached her and told her to get on his back.

I really hate seeing her hurt. And what really boils my blood is when she is around that tall scumbag, Chris.

Thomas: Hey Jason let's go watch the duets!

Jason: Go without me, I'll join you guys later with Ye-Jin.

Thomas: Ok, I'll go sit with the others, come on Yasmine.

Yasmine: Ahh, is this girl serious?!

Thomas and I look in the direction she is looking at and we see Ye-Jin taking off her brace and telling Chris to carry her to the crowd.

Jason: Is she crazy?

I walk away from Thomas and Yasmine and walk towards Ye-Jin.

I kneel down in front of her and grab the brace to put it back on her ankle.

She proceeds to be stubborn and pushes my hand away from her ankle.

Chris: Dude, Jeon Jason! She said she didn't want the brace!

Chris pushes me but in return, he trips over me and falls to the ground.

Mr.Soo: Christian, go help Jordan and Sophie get ready!

Mr.Soo looks at me a gives me a wink and exits the green room.

Jason: That teacher is amazing!

Ye-Jin: Dude, the brace is so uncomfortable!

Jason: Seeing you hurt makes me uncomfortable!

Ye-Jin: Huh, what do you mean?

Jason: I cannot see you hurt... by something or someone.

Ye-Jin: Why are you telling me this now...all of a sudden.

Jason: You don't get it, do you... I love you Kim Ye-Jin.

Ye-Jin: W-w-what? What did you say?

Jason: I love you...

Ye-Jin: L-love me?

Jason: Mhmm... since we were young.

Ye-Jin: Really? Oh, I never noticed.

Jason: yeah so don't go around dating any more guys.

Ye-Jin: Woah Woah, I haven't given my answer yet, so don't presume that I like you back.

Jason: So you don't like me back?

Ye-Jin: Yeah I don't like you...

Jason: Oh... umm, forget that I ever told you anything. I'll call the nurse to get you a wheelchair.

I get up from the floor and walk to the door.

Ye-Jin: You don't let me finish, do you...

Jason: W-what?... ok finish what did you want to say.

Ye-Jin: I don't like you because I love you. I've loved you since we were kids too.

Jason: Are you serious? You're not playing, right?

Ye-Jin: You know that this is a sensitive topic, why would I joke about it?

She tries to stand up and walk to me but she falls.

I run to her and catch her.

Jason: Is this your way of saying that you fell for me?

Ye-Jin: Don't joke around, my ankle really hurts.

Jason: I know, come on let's go cheer our friends.

I get on his back and he carries me to where the guys are.

Joey runs over to us.

Joey: Jinnie, are you ok?

Ye-Jin: Yeah, I just have to be on a brace for a few weeks.

Jason: Yeah she does and I will be carrying her wherever she wants to go.

Ye-Jin: Jason, why are you like this.

Joey: Ye-Jin, why are you so red? Are you ok?

Ye-Jin: Yeah, I'm great! Why wouldn't I be?... Oh, it's time for Jordan and Sophie to go on stage!

** time Skip**

**YJ POV**

After all the duets were over, the announcer told all the dancers to come up on stage.

Ye-Jin: Jason put me down, your back might hurt.

Jason: It's fine, I don't mind... your safety is more important.

Ye-Jin: I'm fine, just put me down for a second.

He nods and puts me down, but he still supports me by putting his hand around my waist.

To be honest, I thought nothing would change, but I was wrong. Whenever I'm around him, I start getting flustered and nervous. I have never felt this way with our 16 years of friendship. But I don't regret him asking me out, actually, it about the time he did. I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore.

Announcer: And the winner for the group dance is..... **** high school, congratulations!!

We all start jumping in the air and hugging each other because we won and we get to move onto the state's competition!

And we also get prize money. So it's a win-win situation.

Announcer: Now the winner of the duet competition is... Park Jordan and Seo Sophie, congratulations!

Sophie: Omg... we won?!?

Jordan nods and it kind of looked like he was about to cry.

Ye-Jin: Is Jordan crying?!?

Jordan: No I'm not crying, the confetti just got in my eyes.

Jason: Awww, our Jordan is crying.

I go up to them and give both of them a big hug.

Ye-Jin: Thank you!

Sophie: Why are you saying thank you... we should be saying thank you to you guys for giving us the honor of dancing your guys part.

Ye-Jin: I just want to say thank you for dancing our part so beautifully... and to be honest you guys were 10x better.

We get our metals and our trophy from the judges and go back home.

**Time Skip**

** A few days later**

I'm back home from school, and as always my parents are not there.

I go up to my room and wash up.

After I get ready, I go downstairs and I hear yelling.

Mom: What do you mean...!

Dad: I want to send Jinnie abroad! I am afraid her brother might be a bad influence!

Mom: But he is not! She is not even near him most of the time!

YJ: Dad, mom, what's going on?

Mom: Your dad here wants to send you abroad... far away. He thinks you are getting influenced by Joey.

Ye-Jin: Dad? Really?

Dad: yes, I recently found out that your brother got a girlfriend when he knows that his marriage is already set with the Parks. And plus he needs to focus on his so-called singing career instead of dating.

Ye-Jin: I don't understand where you are coming from? What does his dating life have to do with me?

Mom: He is afraid that you will go off dating guys and you might be too invested in the relationship. And you will forget about all your studies.

Ye-Jin: But I am not! I will not have a boyfriend and I will only focus on my studies and get into a good college.

Dad: That's my daughter! I'm so proud of you! Why can't your brother be more like you! But if your grades drop, you will be sent abroad!

I give him a sad smile and hug him.

Ye-Jin: I will not disappoint you, dad.


My dad gets a phone call.

Dad: Ok I'll be on my way.

My dad goes to the couch and starts packing his bag.

Dad: I have to stay at the hospital for a few weeks... good luck with your exams!

Ye-Jin: Yea, dad.

Once my dad left my mom goes up to her room.

Mom: Go stay with your brother for a few nights... or Jason's.

Ye-Jin: Mom...

She walks towards me and hugs me.

Mom: Don't make the same mistake I did. Jason is a good guy, don't lose him.

I hug her tighter and then I go to Joey's place.

I slowly walk to the loft because I needed some time to think about everything.

I get to the loft and opened the door. I don't know why I expected no one to be here. But I was wrong, everyone was there.

Joey: Hey Jinnie, why are you here?

I ignore him.

Joey: Why are you ignoring me! What happened!

I walk into his bedroom and sit on the bed.

Jason walks in and hugs me.

Jason: What happened, why are you sad?

I start crying.

Ye-Jin: Why does life have to be so hard!

Jason: What happened??

Ye-Jin: M-my dad doesn't approve of me to date. He said that he would send me abroad if I fail the next exams.

He breaks the hug and holds onto my shoulder.

Jason: Hey listen to me... you will not go abroad and you will not fail your exams.

Ye-Jin, crying: But what about you? I d-don't want to lose you. I finally just got you.

Jason: You will not lose me, I will always be here with you. We just have to keep it a....secret.