Chapter 4


I decided that the Mc will be a streamer

As I read the comments most people were saying that both streaming and being a mercenary are good but there are more (way more) dangers than benefits (from what it looks like) I mainly suggested Mercenary so he could have life and death battles/get connected to the underground. Then I remembered my MC's age he is 16 so suddenly wanting to become a mercenary to do things like kill/track people would be a stretch especially since the Mc grew up in a good family (If he would've became a mercenary he would only kill/track evil people/scums. Also while it would've been fun if the Mc was trained to be an assassin/killer I don't think I would be able to write that character).

However if Zero becomes a streamer it wouldn't attract the attentions of the big organizations (shield/hydra) while he is not streaming he could train/become a vigilante. Becoming a vigilante would make sense as he can learn how to fight(flawed) while still training and is something the Mc can easily change into (Also who's dream as a kid wasn't becoming an awesome superhero defeating all the evil villains. Also it wouldn't really be a rare choice as Spider man is also a teen/vigilante) Though sadly he would get a part time job until he is able to get a good amount of viewers/donations per stream/video (he can upload his streams to youtube and make even more money like that).

Yes anyways I think that this A/N has gone on long enough so without further ado here is what you came for


Walking out of the alleyway he decided to get something to eat as even though he doesn't need to eat if he stays in his Belerick form for 1 hour he still wanted to eat something as it felt somewhat wrong to not eat for 3 months. Walking around he soon came to a park like area where so many are walking by with them either looking at their phones or calling taxi's saying they are running late. Looking around he soon saw a hotdog vendor so he walked up to it asking what's the cost for a hotdog. The owner of the vendor then pointed down to a sign that said

'2$ per hotdog

.50¢ per condiment'.

Seeing the sign Zero dug into his pockets and thought to the system to give him 3$ in which the system obliged and he gave it to the vendor asking for a hot dog with mustard and ketchup (I personally don't eat mustard but many people say that it's best to eat a hot dog with mustard and ketchup so I just decided to put that here). After paying for his hotdog he sat down on a nearby bench and started eating it. Halfway done eating his hotdog he heard a woman yell out thief while pointing to a man that was running. That man was directly running in Zero's direction. Most people tried to stop him until they saw that he had a knife and would try to slash them. Zero seeing this stood up and blocked the thief's way. The thief seeing what looks to be a 15-17 boy said aloud 'Stop trying to be a hero boy I have this knife and I will stab you if you are still in my way' while still running. Some of the onlookers tried to persuade the boy to move out the way or saying that he is being reckless. Zero suddenly ran towards the thief and before the thief could slash at Zero he was kicked in the prized jewels (easiest way to incapacitate a male). Picking the purse that obviously didn't belong to the man he walked to the lady that yelled thief and handed the bag to her. The woman gave Zero 20$ as a thanks for getting back her purse saying that she got it on mother's day (Me adding details and trying to get more words in).

After that incident he walked around the park for a bit and when it was around 12:00 he left the park and started walking through the city wondering what part of the timeline he was in.

After a few hours of walking he realized that he didn't have anywhere to sleep when he suddenly passed by what looks to be a warehouse. Since he didn't have any other choice currently he decided to sleep there and start planning for the future.