


* I never thought I whould rember again.But I 

did.Now I know where I belong.


Jimin: y/n I just want to say sorry for you know making you forgot your memories.


Y/n: its ok.i know it wasnt your fualt


*when  me and jimin was little we played

 outside.then jimin had the purple rock.And he acendently  took my powers away.Thats how

 my memories was erased .And That's how

 jungkook turned the way he was.But now we

 are all good*



(At the boss office*leader of the otherside*)


(No person pov)


*knock on the door*


Boss:come in


Jungkook:h-hi boss


Boss:well did you find the girl


Jungkook:no um I didnt.i couldn't find her.I 

think she left vampire island

*nervously serious*


Boss: you sure.well ok.guards go look one more time.


*jungkook looked scared*


Boss:if i find her will be punished or

 say to the dungen.just like  the rest of you brats go.when noone listen to my orders.

 *says mean*


(Author note:I wish I could slap him.(the boss)



Y/n (pov)


*while me and jimin were sitting on the step on at the cottage.I saw kookie looking worried and scared as he approached us*


Jimin:hey bro what's wrong


Jungkook: y/n you cant stay here.I told boss you wernt on this island.But he is sending his 

guards to look for you.


*oh no*


Jimin: y/n we have to go somewhere safe


Y/n:yes I agree did we have any hideout on this island.That the otherside doesnt know about


Hope:actually  yes sis.Its behind all the trees.Its a small beach.You see they cant see the beach 

only we can.


Y/n:wow cool .But why cant they see it


*joon pops up behind jimin and hits jimin.Just 

because earlier jimin kissed me and ran.*


Joon:because we put a spell for them not to see it


Jimin: I smell them coming there getting close


Joon:come on we have to keep her safe




*as hobi pulled my hand we went to the beach.

they were right its behind a lot of trees*


*as I saw the light blue clear water.My face was beautiful *


jimin:its beautiful  *while walking beside me*


Y/n: yea it is


Jimin: so can you control your powers again


Y/n: umm I never tried them.


Jimin:whoa say what 


Y/n: yes *luaghing*


Jimin:how about I help you


Y/n: yess!!


*ahh did I just blurt that out*


Jimin: well ok you must really love me then


*I then blush*


*when we both looked around we saw jin

,suga, and Taehyung.just staring 

and luaghing at us.while hobi was kind of 

smiling.And joon just mad.while kookie looks

 jealous *


Jimin:yahh what are yall luaghing and staring at


Taehyung:oh nothing *while gigling*


Jin: well I better go make some food for yall



Joon:I need to go help him*looking at jimin 



Jungkook:um I'm going for a walk*looking 



Jope: I'll go walk with him.*trying to cath up 

with kookie*


Y/n:hey suga you ok


*all was left was suga.I never really had the

 chance to talk to him.He was just staring at the water.*



Suga: yea I'm fine, it's just the water is always 

shining and pretty


*I got in thought.Wait why dont I rember suga.*

Jimin:hey y/n are you ok*looking at me*


Jimin:suga is always an odd person.But very

 hardworking on cool stuff


Y/n: cool stuff lile what?


Jimin:oh  he made a toy train when he was a 

kid.I rember he gave it to you.


*my eyes widened.ii cant rember whyyy cant I*



Y/n:jimin I cant rember


Jimin:why cant you.i thought all your memories came back



Y/n: I thought so  to but why cant  I rember

 suga and me memories.



Jimin:I'll brb I'm going to go  read up on

 memory loss  with vampires.




*as I saw jimin dissapread.I smelled something really good*


*i then walked up to jin and joon.they were 



Joon:hey sis the food is almost done You should go check up on hobi and kookie.its getting dark




(Also we didnt drink blood.we were the good we learned to eat people food)


*as I left the tent from jin and joon from

 cooking.i then heard a yell.*


Jin:yahh joon I told you not to burn the pork 

belly.I told you to wacth it.Now it's on fire.


Joon:I'm sorry I was talking to y/n.I didnt mean to *luaghing*


Jin:shew shew get out my kitchen 


Joon:what do you mean  we are cooking in a 

tent.This isnt a kitchen 


*Jin looks impatient*

Jin:stob it (😏)


Jin: go go now your trying to get smart with me


*shoving joon out the tent.And spanking him 

with his spacthala *


Jin:you are not allowed in my kitchen again 


Joon: ow ow that hurts.


*Joon then was on the sand.rubbing his 




Joon:wow he sure acts like a mother


Jin:I heard that


*I then turn back around and go look for

 kookie  and hobi.while luaghing*


*as I walked on the path between the trees I 

started feeling chills on my body*



Y/n:I'm a vampire how can I be scared 

*swallowing spit in my throat*


*as I was walking I then start to run a little bit.*


Y/n:its ok all I need to do is smell the other 2

 members to see where they at.thats all


*I looked and looked but didnt see them*


(Back at the beach)

(noone pov)


*kookie and hobi arrived at the beach*


Hobi:you feel better


Kookie:yes thanks for cheering me up.That 

story where you told me about when you

  fell on your butt in preschool is hilarious.And I was the one who pulled the chair from under

 you *luaghing hard,,till he cant breathe*


*hobi just smiling at him but looking serious*


Hobi: *cough cough* glad that can make you


Hobi: you didnt have to rub it in *saying it

 under his breath.while smiling*


Jungkook:ooo I smell food


Hope: *snifs* it kinds of smell burnt


Joon:because I burned the pork belly


Hope:you did what


Joon:its a long story.Oh I see y/n found you 


*kookie and hobi looked confused.*



Kookie:what do you mean


Hope:I didnt see sis


Joon:what!! You mean she there alone in the

 forest looking for you 2


*hope and kookie looked scared and worried*

Joon:oh no.if only I told her a little bit later yall

 whould have been here.And she hasn't had to go look for yall


Jungkook:We have to go find her!!



Jimin:find who


*making everyone turn around to see jimin 

with a myth book*






Jimin:whattt!! Why


Hope:she was trying to look for us.But we had

 already came here


Jimin:you mean she all by herself in the dark

 forest  with noone.


Joon: yes,ahh I'm dumb for sending  her.

I forgot she is very senstive and very a spooky

 out child


Jimin:well yeaaa


Jungkook:I'll go find her


*making jimin balls up his fists*


Jimin:no I'll go


Jungkook:why do you always have to go save



Jimin:because I can.And she loves me


Jungkook:well she love me 2


Jimin:yea in a brotherly bsf way


Jungkook:I'm going to find her no matter what you say



*jimin was mad.he didnt want to hurt

 jungkook.But seeing that he had caught

 feelings for her.Made him very mad*


*joon starts to back up between them.Also hobi backs out*


Hope:h-hey guys pls stop she is still trying to

 find us.pls hurry and one of yall find her


Joon:I agreee.


Jimin:hm I'm going to find my princess 


Jungkook: woww that's what you call her.I call 

her shortcake


*hobi starts to say ooo in a tea expression.while joon hits him on the back of his head*


Jimin:I dont care mine is better!!!


*kookie and jimin eyes were redder then 



Jimin:I'm going


*walking past kookie.and bumping him on the chest hard*


Jungkook:oh no your not*while jumping on 

jimin back*


Jimin:hey look get off me noww!




*hobi then pulled him off jimin back*


Joon:I think jimin has this job kook.He is a little more stronger then you.


*hobi then takes kookie by the water and they

 started talking and luaghing again.leaving 

kookie a little mad*


(in the forest) 




Y/n:kookie hobii!!


*I looked everywhere where are they*


Y/n:hello are you dorks there


*I kept looking and I couldn't find them*


Y/n:uh oh I think I'm lost


*as i look around all i see is trees.And darkness*


Y/n:dont freak out dont freak a tough 



*i then said to myself*


Y/n:ahh what. am I'm kidding I'm the most

 scared vampire girl ever!!


*if any of you guys looking for me hurry

 I'm scared*


*i hope my brother and kookie is ok*


*i then look at the moon.And it calms me*


*I then heard a crunch*



*I ran as fast as I can.But somone grabbed me and dragged me to road*






*running as fast as I can to get to her.i smelled her I was close*


*me and y/n have a special talent.If she is hurt I can feel it.If she is crying I get tears.If she 

happy I'm happy.No matter where we are.Hah 

take that jungkook*


*I'm coming princess*


*I then stop running for a second.I started 

feeling scared.*


Jimin:its probably  y/n scared of the dark



*I continued running.But then I felt tears on my face*


Jimin:y/n is crying oh no something happened

 to her


*I ran faster and faster till my power almost 

went out*


*I then saw a black van and a guard taking a 

girl in the back of the van*


Jimin:y/n!! *screaming*


*I was to late they had got her*





*I then see jimin calling ny name I looked up 

and screamed*

Y/n:jimin help me pls dont let them take scared*tears flowing like an ocean  on my 



Jimin:I'm coming


*as they closed the van face was on 

the back window.That  now had cloth tied on

 my mouth crying and screaming.And seeing

  jimin keeps running behind the van.*


Jimiin:y/nn pls noo.dont take her

*I then put my hand on the back van

 window.As he got further and further away


*I then couldn't see my love *


(Author note:I'm listening to sad music right

 now and I'm crying from typing this)


*I look beside me and see another girl tied up*


*she looked scared to*


*a guy came up to us and took our cloth out 

our mouths*


Guy:hm we got 2 pretty girls to *saying to the 



Driver:oh boss is going to love this.Since that 

jungkook didnt find her look we have her .Ooo

boss is gonna take  jungkook to the dungen 


*I then look at the guy and cry more.This is all 

because of me.Jungkook be careful.What if I can send a meassge.I sended a message to 

jungkoopk.i Hope's he knows*



Guy:what are you thinking about *looking 

towards me*




Guy:just dont be sending messages 


*I nooded*


*then he hitted me.then he hitted the girl to.*


Guy:haha that's what you get for lying to me.I 

could sense you sended. a message.send one more I dare you


*I then start to cry very hard*


* he then hits me again.making me cough*



*my power was going out and I tried to follow

 the truck but I could not catch up.Just seeing

 y/n crying in the window*


Jimin: whyyy*as I dropped on my knnes*


*as I stood  up I felt  somthing hard on my felt like a slap.I then felt my face and it was 



Jimin:oh no.someone layed a finger on her.


*I then got mad as a tomato.*


*I then felt another slap making me falling to 

the groud.*


*a loud cough went out my mouth*


*now I was to weak to get up.Im now feeling

 what  y/n  is feeling*


*I sent a message to everyone*


*then soon the members pooped up and

 looked at me crying*


Taehyung:hyung we are so sorry


Jungkook:y/n she cant be gone*cursed under 

his breath*


Joon:its my fualt I told her to be here


Suga:its ok joon you didnt know*while hugging him*


*I felt useless without her.I also felt angry of 

what there doing to her*


Jimin:ok we need to go find her now


Joon:yes I was the leader when y/n didnt have 

her memories and she need us more than ever


Hope:are you saying are we going to go


Joon:yes we are going back to our  missions.i

 think it's time to start them again


*we all agreed*


*what he ment by missions is saving people.We used to all be a team of vampires called 

Fangtan.We were the best in the island.*


*and now need to save y/n.And I'going to give

 the otherside a taste of my blood for what they 

did to her*

*we then made a plan got suited up and

 walked on the dark path. * //in slow motion//(hehe)


*we all looked at eacth other and went to the 

other side.while passing the  glowing line*




*I then start crying more but then shuted up 

because i didnt want to get hit again*


Guy: haha ok that tells you not to cry anymore


*i looked over to the girl to see if she ok*


Guy:we are almost here.


*while he went up back to the driver's seat.I 

finally had a chance to talk to her*


Y/n:hi I'm y/n what's your


??:I'm I'm TC *while still crying* 

 (or your bsf name I chose tc cause she my bsf)


Y/n:oh well nice to meet you tc.Are you scared



TC:yes I really see they took me from 

my dad.Because my dad used to work for them but then he had quit and went on the goodside.And now they want revenge.


Y/n:that's not right.Uhhh I hate the otherside


TC:same here girl


*she was really easy to talk to.we then started 

luaghing and talking.An not even care where 

we were*


Guy:we are here*while pushing us out the door

 making us fall*


*I had looked horrible*


Guy:get up you kids


Y/n: who cares *I whispered*


Guy:what did you say


TC:she said she had liked my shoes,ah yes 


*I saw that TC saved me with the guy words.

thanks girl I owe you*


Guy:come on let's go


*while walking in the office we saw vampires 

but they looked scary and eveil*


*the guy then  took us to a office*


*how could jungkook and suga had worked 

here.Im so glad they are not working here



*As we were in this office we saw a tall scary 

man sitting in his big chair with not red eyes 

orange blackish eyes.whoa that's scary* 


*I saw TC got scared to*


Boss:thank you well look what we have here.

duoble the work.Hey guy you get a raise


Guy:uh thank you sir.*while smirking  to us*




*the boss then looked at me*


Boss:I have been searching for you quite a 

while *smirking delvislhy*


Y/n:why do you want me for.Is it my scent


Boss:well yes.You see your a vampire.your not

 suppose to have that kind of scent


Y/n:and I think it's cool


Boss:I want your power.I need to be more 


Y/n:no I cant let you do that


*I don't want to*


Boss:Guards send these the dungen.noww

Until you agree you will be let go.If you dont.Ill 

kill your little friend here.TC isnt it


*I then look at her*


*I could tell she was scared*


*they then kicked us in the dugen.*


Y/n: are you ok TC


Tc :yes but what's gonna happen if you wont 

agree.i will die.what are we going to do


Y/n:its ok I have a plan dont worry


Tc: well you better hurry .I want to see my

 father I miss him.*tearing up*


Y/n:my plan is I agree.But heres the thing.When he takes my power I will use some of my power to do a old myth spell.thanks to jimin I know

 how to do it


Tc:oo jimin is that you man


Y/n:cough cough yea you can say that


*making me think about him.*while blushing *


Y/n:um yes so the spell is to give me protection.That equals when he try to takes it.It will be 

very  hard for him to take it.making him 



Tc:yess girl good idea


*I then sees boss walking towards us*


Boss:so have you decided yet


Y/n:yes I agree


*he smrikerd.letting Tc go but keeping me in.*


Boss:Guards take Tc to her father now.I have 

what I want now.


*I looked at her with a little smile.But she 

seemed worried*



*while opening the cell again the boss stood

 me up and smelled me*


Y/n:what are you doing


Boss:just be quiet *while pulled me closer to him*


*I then let go*


Y/n:can I go to the bathroom before.You know

 take my powers


Boss:ok make it quick


*I rushed to the bathroom.making my 

protection spell.I then go out and then to his



Boss:we are going outside.


Y/n:ook *while he dragging me out the door*




*As we got there I felt somthing on my

 smelt lile breath.i then got even madder.If he

 dared to.*


Jungkook:jimin is something wrong


Jimin:nothing*cold tone*


Joon:ok we go in hit the guards and find her 


Hope:what about the boss


Suga:I used to be his favorite ill pretend I'm 

going back to the otherside


*we all agreed*


*Jin and hope knocked out the guards*


*suga went to boss office but he wasnt there.*


Jungkook:did they put her in the dungen


*my eyes widened.*


Joon:I hope they heck they didnt .


Jimin:ahhh y/n I'coming princess 


*Jungkook rolled his eyes*


*as we was about to go down there Taehyung

 yelled at us*


Taehyung:yall I see y/n.she is being pulled by

 boss.There standing at  the power grounds.


Joon:why are they there


Jimin:no pls don't tell me that


Jungkook:he is taking her 




*we all  ran up to Taehyung almost tripping.*


*Taehyung pointed at the power grounds.I see y/n all tied up.she looked scared*


*I growled in anger*


Jungkook:that stupid man


Joon:wait till I get my hands on him


Jimin:I should get him if I could


Joon:ok how can we save her


Jimin:we should ambush him




Taehyung:suga go up to him and say.You will

 help her take her powers


Jimin:yea to distract him.while I get her


*kookie just gave me a death glare. I smirked*


Joon:ok let's  do this 


Joon: I(1) do(2) say(3)    

Fangtan!! *as we all said*


(Author:soory I don't know how to spell the

 numbers in korean.)





*as I stood by the boss.i was sure that my spell whould  worked.*


Suga:hey boss 


*I then was like yess a savior.But then I smelled my love here.I smiled*


Boss:oh welll  well you came back


Suga:yes I did*whiling putting a thumbs up at me*


Boss:ok help me taking her powers


Suga:oo sounds fun


*as I see suga and boss talking I see jimin 

sneaking up more and morre.Then I see kookie 

attacked the boss. then I see all the members 

attack the boss.this was now another battle*


*i saw jimin and he took me away from the

 fight.leaving me shooked*


Jimn:princes are you ok.


Y/n:yes *I then hugged him tightly*


*he hugged me back tightly*


*he then looked at me down and up.while 



Jimin:look what he did to goings to kill 



Y/n:dont you think the members are doing that *while gigling*


Jimin:ig your right.Did you know I felt all your

 pains.and feelings 


*my eyes widened.I had forgot he can do that with me*


Y/n: you did I forgot 


*I then felt sad*


Jimin:hey dont be sad I can feel it to


Y/n:I'm soory jimin I didnt mean to hurt you


jimin:how could were being hurt.You

 couldn't help that. *while hugging me*


*I felt his warmth once again.making me feel 

Cozzy.while snugling in his chest.*


Y/n:I missed you


Jimin:me to


*as we looked over boss was on the ground

 passed out*


Y/n:is he he dead


Jimin: no he is not


*I see all the members running towards me

 and jimin.while jimin was still holding me.*



Joon,hope:y/n are you ok.we are sorry!!!


Y/n:whoaa slow down. Yall should have been



Joon:sorry but are you ok


Hope:are you


Jungkook:well are you.


*I then look at jungkook.he looked scared and

 fear in his eyes*


Y/n:yes I'm ok


Y/n:suga that was a good idea of distracting 



Suga:yea it is my specialty 


*I need to still rember suga memories*


Suga: y/n  here I made this for you.Its another 

train.When you and me were little the train i 

gave you broke and then your memories were gone. But now you should rember


Y/n:yes I do .*while hugging suga*


*I felt more at ease now my memories all got 



*Jimin and jungkook stood up.eacth on my side with there hand out*


Jimin,jungkook: come on y/n let'go home


*i look at both of them.while they both looked 

at eacth other.*


*how am I'going to choose*


Hope:I'll take her


*eveyone looked at hope*


Joon:yes take her hope.if you didn't  there was going to be another fight


*what does he mean by that*


*Jimin and jungkook step out and let hope 

helped me*


Y/n:thanks hope

Hope:your welcome sissy*smiling with his cute checkbones*


*as we all walked down the path it was now 



*I started to yawn.and jimin notice*


Jimin:hope you look tired carrying her I got it


Hope:sissy is it ok if he Carrie's you


*I nods* 


*hope puts me down.Then jimin starts carrying me*


Jimin:are you sleepy




Jimin:then sleep.and rest*in a soft tone*


*I could feel his warm back and his warm silky



Y/n:ok mochii 

Jimin:ok princess 


*I then fell asleep on jimins back*


(20mins later)



*jimin puts me on the bed leaving me sleeping*

 *jimin then sits on the couch and watches me*


*I then wake up*




Jimin:well hii my beautiful girl


*I then blush*


*I stood up and went towards jimin*


*while he was still sitting on the couch.I was 

infront of him smiling*


Jimin:ahh what

*looking cute*


Y/n:nothing hehe


*jimin then pulls me in his arms*


Jimin:I love you


*while Hugging me tight.while laying his head on my back*


*I felt warm and fuzzy inside again*


Y/n:I Love you  to


*I then stood up and pulled him up*


Jimin:what is it 


Y/n:come with me


*as I was about to go to the door jimin pulled 

me to him*


Jimin:before you show me I have somthing


Y/n:and that is


*jimin starts kissing me while one of his hand 

was around my waist.while his other was on my cheeck on my face.*


Jimin:I haven't kissed you in one day princess 


Y/n:you didnt *while my dumb self  pulling my hand up and down on my arm.*




*jimin then holds my arms and just looks at me*


Jimin:you are so pretty 


Y/n:thank you


Jimin:now I have to be more careful now.Other men will be staring at you


*I then blush*

Y/n:well ig I  have to be careful then



Jimin:wow y/n you have guts *blushing*





Y/n:come on jimin*as pulling him*


*I took him outside to the beach.*


*we then start running free.again feeling the 



Jimin:do you have a wish you like to wish on


Y/n:yes I do, I wish that I spin  my whole life 

with you


Jimin:me to.we are definitely meant to be

*we both smiled at eacth other*


*I then ran to the water splashing water at



Jimin:hey im going to get you


*I started laughing*


*I turned and I turned around but no jimin*




Jimin:boo *while grabbing me and swirling me around*


Jimin:did you think you could lose me


y/n:No no I wasnt scared


jimin:ok princess 


*my heart was at ease again*


*While me and jimin holded hands up the shore.we looked at the clear water and smiled*


Jimin:y/n will you be my gf



*his his his*



*mixed emotions starts to show up.I felt

 butterfly's.He actually asked me.i can tell he can already feel my feelings*


Y/n:I I I yes I will



*we look over to jungkook*


Y/n:kook no pls


*he then runs*


*I just lost my bsf*


Jimin:baby it's ok.ill go talk to him.


*jimin kissed me.then he left*


*oh man,my life is getting crazier and crazier*
