
"Fuck! It hurts! Oh, God! Oh fuck, my head!"

Why does my head hurt so much!? What happened!? Okay calm down, what's the last thing I remember? I don't remember what I last did. Fuck!

Alright, think. Who am I? I am Calvin Lux, a weeb. I don't have a job, I am a college dropout and I live with my mom.

Where am I? I haven't seen anything like this before. I'm in a square room, the walls are white with a brown clay rim on the bottom and there's one big circular window in front of me. I am sitting on the edge of the bottom bunk on a bunk bed made out of wood. 

The only pieces of furniture in the room were a red desk, the aforementioned bed and a blue drawer with a cushion on top and on the cushion is something like a four-star dragon ball. Am I in the room of a DBZ fan?

"Ugh! Fuck!"

Suddenly I groaned in pain when my head pounded, a bunch of memories came rushing in of me training with an old man and surviving out in the wild on my own, stuff I'm sure I haven't done before.

I looked at the mirror and instead of my reflection I saw the reflection of Goku 

And that's when it hit me. I'm in the world of dragon ball as Goku, the old man in my memories must be Grandpa Gohan and I'm 50 shades of fucked if this isn't a dream. 

"Okay, let's think about this rationally."

Alright, so I'm in what seems to be Goku's house. I have what I think should be Goku's memories. I'm wearing a blue gi and I have a brown monkey tail…

"Wait, I have a monkey tail!?!"

I try to move my tail around and it's as easy as moving my arm. It's weird. I have never had anything like this before but I can still move it without a problem. It's almost instinctual.


I am Son Goku! So what do I do now? I'm at the house I built after I transformed for the first time and killed Grandpa Gohan. That means the old house is gone too.


There is no sure-fire way to measure my age so I'll just have to bank on the fact that there's still a couple of years before Bulma shows up. 

What do I wanna do after she shows up? Do I go with her on an adventure for the dragon balls or stay here in the peaceful outdoors? Wait, if I don't go with her there probably won't be a peaceful outdoors to stay in. 

So my only choice is to do what the past Goku would have done, but better. And the only way I'm gonna be able to achieve that is by training smarter than the original since I can't possibly train harder than the original. 

"Now how do I train smarter than the original Goku? Hmm."

What can I do that the original hasn't done? Think with my brain? Be a good dad?

"I got it! I'll just take full advantage of my Saiyan lineage."

I'll learn to control the great ape form and take it even further by using the power without the full moon. I've seen Brolly do it in the movies so why shouldn't I try it? And while trying to control the great ape form I can still train normally during the day since I can only transform when there is a full moon out. I'll just sacrifice a bit of sleep when it's a full moon. 


"But first let's catch some food!"

While outside and thinking about what I should catch I noticed that my body is a lot more fit than my old one. I run faster, punch harder and I get tired less easily but that I get distracted a lot easier. 

"How about catching myself a big fish. Hmmm, fishy."

Okay from what I remember the best way to catch fish is by using my tail as a fishing rod. Hmm, it's strange how easy moving my tail is for me even though I've only gained it just now. It's like having another limb. It is another limb.

Anyway, I just dip it into the water and wiggle it around like a worm. And after that, I have to just wait until a big fish bites.

"Hmm, while I'm waiting for a fish to bite I may as well meditate."

So I sat down at the edge of the river in a meditation pose and tried to concentrate. I had done it a couple of times with Grandpa before but the original Goku couldn't sit still for too long so he never got very far with it.

What's this energy inside of me? Is it ki? It's warm in a nice way and it slightly buzzes. Hmm, since I can feel it I should try to move it. It's a lot easier than I thought but I couldn't do it on my first try, okay nothing comes too easy, slow and steady wins the race. Let's first try to move it into my arm. My arm is starting to get warm. Let's try moving it around my bod- 


As I was about to try to move the ki around my body, a fish bit on my tail so I pulled my tail out of the water as fast as possible making the fish let go and fly into the heavens. Before the fish could fall back into the water, I punched it out of reflex forgetting I still had ki in my arm. I wasn't expecting the fish to explode after I hit it. 

"Whaa! How did I do that!?"

I was shocked and amazed at what I was able to do without much training. Ki really is amazing!.. Wait, my fish!! Now I'll have to catch another one goddammit! Ugh so annoying. 


I guess it's fine no point crying over spilt milk. But that was amazing. I wonder what other stuff I can do? That's a question for after I've gotten myself a fish.



It's been like five minutes. Where are the fish!? I guess I'll meditate again. Okay, let's try moving it around my body now. It feels weird. How about getting it out of my body? I put my hands together as if I were praying and let the energy flow out of my hands and onto my palms. It isn't as difficult as I thought it would be and I get my ki into a ball floating on top of my hands. 

It's a small white glowing warm ball made out of pure ki. Even if I already saw what I could do with ki during the fish saga, making my first ki ball is just so amazing and exhilarating. Never in my life would I have thought that I could ever control ki!


"What should I do now that I have a ki ball?"

As I was wondering what I should do with the ball, I felt another bite on my tail but this time I was ready for it. As soon as I felt it I swung my tail out of the water but to the right this time instead of straight up into the air, making the fish flop on the ground. 

"You'll do. Now, what should I do with this ki ball?" 

I looked around and didn't see any living thing except the fish, so I just pointed my hand at a tree and used my ki to push the ki ball as fast as possible. 


I heard my small little ball of ki cut through the air faster than I expected and hit the tree. 


The place where the ki ball hit exploded leaving a partly destroyed trunk with black marks in its place. 

"Wooooow! That was amazing! Did you see that fishy!!"

Fishy doesn't respond though since it's dying of lack of oxygen right now. 

"Man tough crowd." 

Well anyway after I shot the ki ball I carried the fish home by its tail. To gut it then eat it. 

Edited by S_jay