Turtle goes fast

On our second day on this adventure, I was up at 5 am and started the day by training my tail. I will not let my tail be my weakness, also tail attacks are cool. So I am training my tail by first of all only using my tail without using my hands, and by training it like how I would use my arms. 

For example, tail push-ups, using stones as weights and doing tail curls, and using my tail to attack trees. 

For the tail push up I lean backwards with only my tail as support and push up and down. As for the tail curls I grab a 10 kilogram rock and curl up my tail. And I just swing my tail at trees until I can't feel it in between every exercise. I started out by doing 10 reps of 20 for now. 

Honestly, those exercises are things I remember from Grandpa Gohan and my past life. I'm probably doing some stuff wrong but doing something is better than doing nothing. 

As I was training I found a large turtle shell that looks like a rock at first glance. It's Turtle, the one who gets us our 4th dragon ball if I remember right.

"Hey! What's a turtle doing all the way here?"

I asked while knocking on his shell with my tail. Honestly, it feels so weird to use my tail like an arm. I can move it like one and it's almost instinctual but the sensitivity just stops me from ever actually using it as an actual arm. 

But that's why I'm training. 

"Ah hello, young man. I was just picking some mushrooms in the forest and I got lost. Would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction towards the ocean?"

Turtle asked as he came out of his shell. He has a brown shell and his body is white and very wrinkly. He also has black spots on his fins and head. 

"Uuuuh, I've never seen an ocean in my life, it must be very far away. Though, my friend Bulma may be able to help. I'll bring you to her."

I said that as I picked up Turtle before taking him towards the mobile home. Hmm, how am I gonna deal with Master Roshi? I can't think of anything.

I guess, for now, it doesn't matter. I'm good at thinking on my feet anyway. 

"Thanks for helping me, young man. I don't know how much longer I could go without help."

He thanked me as I started increasing my pace. He isn't that heavy actually, he looks a lot heavier than he is. After a couple of seconds of running, we finally arrived.

"And here we are, Mister Turtle. I'll get Bulma for you. Give me a second."

I said as I let Turtle onto the ground and went into the house. Man, I can't wait to meet the old turtle hermit. How much different will he be from the show? 

"Bulma! There's a guest here!"

I called out to Bulma while going towards the kitchen to get Turtle some water filled with salt. As I was filling up a bucket, I heard frantic footsteps coming in my direction. 

"Where is our guest?"

Bulma asked with her hair combed but not braided, unlike yesterday. She is wearing a tank top and beige pants with a brown belt. I guess she wasn't ready yet but came as soon as she heard a guest had appeared. 

"He's outside waiting for us."

I told her while carrying a bucket filled with saltwater outside, she looked at me weirdly before following me outside. Once outside we found mister Turtle waiting for us. 

"I'm back and I've brought you some saltwater too. Tell me if you need anything else."

I said to Turtle whilst handing him the bucket filled with water. I can't believe this guy has been wandering in the wrong direction for so long. 

"Mhm, hello there mister…. What are you doing all the way here?"

Bulma asked as she looked at Turtle weirdly. I can't blame her, this is probably very weird. 

Actually, this is Dragon Ball. A lot of shit is weird.

"You can just call me Turtle, Miss, and thanks for the water, young man. I lost my way back to the beach, you see, so I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction?"

Turtle asked Bulma as he got a little less wrinkly all of a sudden, probably because of the saltwater. I can't believe the turtle got so far from the sea. How far away is it again? 

"How can you get that lost!?! The beach is 160 kilometres here!"

Bulma exclaimed in surprise with wide eyes. That's fucking far away, but you know what. Grandpa Gohan raised no bitch. 

"Well, I don't think Turtle will be able to get himself to the ocean anytime soon, so we'll just have to take him there."

I said before as I carried Turtle on my back again. What a great challenge, and a great way to train cardio. 

"Okay, give me a second to get ready, Goku."

Bulma told me after which she ran back into the house. Hopefully, she doesn't take too long. I don't want to waste any more sunlight. 

"Are you two sure? I don't want to inconvenience you guys so much."

Turtle said while holding onto my back. He's such a nice guy. 

"Don't worry about it. It's not that big of a deal anyway. It's sorta like training."

"I-I see."

I said to Turtle to reassure him that he's not inconveniencing us too much, which got a wry smile in response. Maybe that was a little too on the nose. Oh well. After this event, we get stuff out of this too, like the flying Nimbus and a Dragon ball. 

"Alright, I'm ready whenever you are, Goku. I haven't been to the beach in a while."

Bulma said as she got out of the house. She's now wearing a grey jacket instead of just a tank top. She then put the house back into its capsule form after which she threw another capsule that contained another bike. This one's a lot more similar to a motorcycle I'm familiar with. 

"Well, to which direction, Bulma?"

I asked because I have no clue where the beach is. Let's see how fast I can go. I'll do everything in my power to go fast.

"It's straight that way. Are you sure you're fine carrying Turtle all the way there? We can just use the car."

She said as she pointed in a direction. Aw, she's worried about me, but there is no way I can't accomplish this. As a Saiyan Warrior, this should be light work.

"I'll be fine, try to keep up Bulma."

Once I finished my sentence I pumped my legs full of ki which made them bulk up a bit before running. Man, I am going quick. The things around me are starting to blur a bit but everything is still visible. I think I'm going around 60 km/h but I'm not quite sure.

"Wait! Slow down!!"

Ah shit, I forgot I had a passenger.

Edited by Shiny_jay
