Chapter Two

Kinda a filler chapter, wrote this story originally with other things going on in the story, that I decided to edit out.

- author


The month went by like usual but Connor started to seem oddly wanting to be closer to me than usual, and even his usual closeness was too close for me to be comfortable. But that was his personality I guess. He just wants answers on some test or something like that, I thought but I couldn't help but let my mind wander a bit. He couldn't like me... could he. No! He is the perfect guy and well I am a loner girl who avoids any kind of relationship because I can't even handle my own death filled past. Who would like a girl like me, anyway? I got so distracted that I wasn't even able to focus in school, but that's normal, I usually use school as a time to write out my plans of attack or battle strategies for possible future battles that I might get stuck with.