Gathering of Giants (4)

Item after item went by, and Otto continued to bid for, and win, quite a few of them.

It was to the point where some guests started feeling shunted and displeased after they couldn't, or more often, didn't want to pay such a high price for the items they wanted.

Actually, Otto's 'must win below x price' was much higher than others, as he didn't look at the objective value of the item, but at its performance and value to him versus the amount he was willing to afford.

Still, he never spent so much that the objective value of the item was thrown by the wayside.

It was just that….his coffers were unreasonably large. Most of the other guests didn't have much of a chance.

The auction hit its final stretch as high value, powerful items were thrown out to be sold one after another.

Fierce bidding followed Otto's item: , and Otto found himself a full 6,550 Brocks richer.